Try this Unbelievably Simple Way to Detox with WFPB Foods
Nutrition, Lifestyle Nancy Smith Nutrition, Lifestyle Nancy Smith

Try this Unbelievably Simple Way to Detox with WFPB Foods

Is Eating a WFPB Diet Hard?

The biggest problem I find with eating whole food plant-based is finding easy to fix, nutritious, and great-tasting recipes. Emphasis on the “easy!” Sometimes I just don’t feel like fixing anything, and grabbing snack foods like chips or cookies is my easy way out. Sometimes juicing gets to be too much. Making smoothies also is a lot of effort. But what if I told you there was an easy way to eat whole food plant-based meals?

In this article I will give you some tips to make your whole food plant-based prep quicker and your burden lighter. Trust me when I say that I know the feeling. Many times I have ordered food from Uber Eats because I just had no energy to cook. The problem with that is that you have no control over what goes into your food, and for the most part it is not organic.

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Gentle Dry Brushing To Better Move Your Lymph
Lifestyle, Health Guides Nancy Smith Lifestyle, Health Guides Nancy Smith

Gentle Dry Brushing To Better Move Your Lymph

The Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is a vital part of the immune system. It comprises a network of vessels and organs that help filter fluids and remove waste from the body. Lymph nodes are an essential part of this system, and are located throughout the body in areas where the lymphatic vessels converge.

There are approximately 600-700 lymph nodes in the human body, which play a vital role in protecting us from infection.

Lymph nodes contain white blood cells known as lymphocytes, which help fight off bacteria and viruses. When we are infected with a pathogen, our lymph nodes can become swollen and painful as they work to rid our bodies of the invader. Keeping your lymph moving is critical to your health.

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12 of the Best Health Promoting Summertime Treats to Cool You Off
Nutrition Nancy Smith Nutrition Nancy Smith

12 of the Best Health Promoting Summertime Treats to Cool You Off

Summertime and the living is easy! This blog post is a summer food fun post because I love summer! When I started my healthy lifestyle, I realized how often I felt deprived of eating yummy food. So often we are bombarded with sugary, processed, or otherwise unhealthy treats. It seriously does not have to be that way! We can eat healthy treats without feeling cheated! We can even eat sweet treats! We can even thrive on these foods, as each ingredient I have chosen is health-promoting.

Besides plain fruit or veggies, there are some really refreshing and tasty treats that we can have.

In this post, I have added both sweet and savory treats to keep the oven off and keep you cool this summer!

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Empower Your Health Journey Today with These Innovative Lab Tests
Prevention, Health Guides Nancy Smith Prevention, Health Guides Nancy Smith

Empower Your Health Journey Today with These Innovative Lab Tests

Throughout your health journey, you’ve probably gone through some lab testing. Lab testing is a crucial part of healthcare, including prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Unfortunately, lab testing can be expensive and time-consuming. Due to insurance, regulations, and hospital protocol, your doctor may not always be able to offer you the lab tests you need right away.

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7 Recipes for Tasty and Wonderfully Nutritious Raw Super Salads
Nutrition Nancy Smith Nutrition Nancy Smith

7 Recipes for Tasty and Wonderfully Nutritious Raw Super Salads


I will be discussing the benefits of eating raw organic salads to heal naturally. I will also post 7 delectable salads and recipes for dressings and salad toppings! I will also be recommending my favorites!

Why should we be eating raw salads every day? One reason is that it is an easy way to get all of your veggies in for the day. Fruit salads, of course, could give you all of the fruit you need in one day. Eating salads also gives you the benefit of all of that fiber! And need I mention antioxidants?

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7 Astoundingly Simple Ways to Make Your Holistic Home Clean and Healthy
Lifestyle Nancy Smith Lifestyle Nancy Smith

7 Astoundingly Simple Ways to Make Your Holistic Home Clean and Healthy

Have you ever wondered why there are warning labels on your conventional household cleaning products? Shouldn’t the products that clean your home should also keep you safe and healthy?

It seems like it’s not the case. Conventional household cleaning products are loaded with chemicals and toxins. These toxins can cause allergies, respiratory problems, and skin reactions. Used regularly, they can increase chronic inflammation and contribute to the increased risk of various health issues, including cancer, autoimmune disease, hormonal problems, infertility, respiratory and lung conditions, ADHD, brain health issues, and more. There are already so many toxins in our environment. You want to reduce your toxic load by choosing natural household cleaning products free from toxins and chemicals.

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How Phytoestrogens Behave in Estrogen Positive Breast Cancer
Cancer Nancy Smith Cancer Nancy Smith

How Phytoestrogens Behave in Estrogen Positive Breast Cancer

What are Phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens are estrogens that are derived from plants and have a structure similar to human estrogen. Phytoestrogens can bind to estrogen receptors (ERs) in the body. Because of this, there is interest in using them as cancer preventives and therapies, particularly for estrogen-positive breast cancer. There are three main types of phytoestrogens: isoflavones, lignans, and coumestans. Isoflavones are found in soybeans and soy products. Lignans are found in flaxseed and flax oil and some fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Coumestans are found in alfalfa and clover.

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How Carrots Can Actually Help Heal Many Chronic Diseases
Carrots, Recipes Nancy Smith Carrots, Recipes Nancy Smith

How Carrots Can Actually Help Heal Many Chronic Diseases

Did you know that carrots are a superfood? They contain beta carotene, which is the pigment in carrots. Beta carotene is the precursor to Vitamin A, which means that beta carotene only converts to vitamin A as our bodies need it. Beta carotene is only found in vegetables and to a lesser extent in fruits. The more intense the color of the veggie/fruit, the higher the beta carotene content. Beta carotene in carrots is also an antioxidant that may help reduce the risk of certain cancers and protect your cells from damaging free radicals. Free radicals are believed to play a significant role in inflammation, disease, and aging.

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