How Phytoestrogens Behave in Estrogen Positive Breast Cancer

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Breast cancer 3d illustration

3d Breast Cancer Image

What are Phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens are estrogens that are derived from plants and have a structure similar to human estrogen. Phytoestrogens can bind to estrogen receptors (ERs) in the body. Because of this, there is interest in using them as cancer preventives and therapies, particularly for estrogen-positive breast cancer. There are three main types of phytoestrogens: isoflavones, lignans, and coumestans. Isoflavones are found in soybeans and soy products. Lignans are found in flaxseed and flax oil and some fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Coumestans are found in alfalfa and clover.

soybean plantation with sky on the horizon and macro details

Soybean Plant


Isoflavones are a type of phytonutrient that are plant-based compounds with significant health benefits. Isoflavones are found in soy and a few other foods like flaxseed and cocoa, but soy contains the highest concentration by far. Isoflavones have been shown to provide cancer-preventing capabilities and other health benefits, which is why they're often referred to as 'nature's cancer fighters. 

One of the most well-known benefits of isoflavones is their cancer-preventing ability, specifically concerning breast cancer. Isoflavones can bind to cancer cells and prevent them from dividing and growing, which can ultimately lead to apoptosis.

flax seed in a jute bag - grain-linseed-healthy-seed



Lignans are a type of phytoestrogen, a plant-based compound with estrogenic activity. They are found in high concentrations in flax oil, flaxseeds, soybeans, and whole grains. Lignans have been shown to offer several health benefits, including cancer prevention. Some studies have shown that lignans can decrease the risk of breast cancer, while others have shown that they can reduce the growth of cancer cells. Additionally, lignans have also boosted heart health and improved overall cardiovascular function. Overall, lignans are a potent cancer-fighting compound with many other health benefits. 


Coumestans are compounds found in various plants, including soybeans, alfalfa, and clover. They have gained attention in recent years due to their potential cancer-preventive properties. Coumestans are thought to work by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and by inducing cancer cells to undergo cell death (apoptosis). In animal studies, coumestans have been shown to decrease the incidence and severity of a variety of cancer types, including breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer. Some Coumestans are also under investigation for their ability to lower cholesterol levels and protect against heart disease.

Adverse effects or No?

But what about the adverse effects of phytoestrogens on cancer? For years, there has been debate over the impact of phytoestrogens on cancer risk. Some research has suggested that consuming large amounts of phytoestrogens could increase cancer risk, while other studies have found that phytoestrogens may actually protect against cancer. The latest research indicates that the benefits of phytoestrogens outweigh any potential risks. One study found that postmenopausal women who consumed soy or flaxseed had a lower risk of breast cancer, while another study found that flaxseed oil reduced the growth of prostate cancer cells. 

Cottage cheese blended with flax seed oil, topped with fresh blueberries, frozen wild cranberries, flowers and ground flax seeds

Budwig Muesli

I, for one, used flax oil in abundance to treat my cervical cancer. It is part and partial to the Budwig plan. It always made me feel amazing! I also drank fermented soy beverages and even took a hand at making my own soy milk. I tried making it in a blender, which was, at best, a pretty messy task. Now that they have these cool milk machines, though, I may take another go at it. But that is for another day and another blog post, I suppose.


I would be careful to only buy organic products for soy, flax, and alfalfa (Well, everything, actually). There are too many dangerous GMOs out there, and unfortunately, these three cancer-protective crops are very often modified.  

GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, have been the subject of much debate in recent years. Some argue that GMOs are necessary to produce enough food to feed the world's growing population, while others point to the potential dangers of these crops. Recently, a study has shown that GMOs may be harming three of the most common crops: soy, flax, and alfalfa. (I have a little tip for them regarding crop rotation, keeping the buggies out, and getting a higher yield in your garden).

Corn with Indian Corn in the Cob spelling GMO

The study, conducted by a team of researchers at the University of California, found that the introduction of GMOs into these crops has led to a decline in their overall nutritional content. In particular, the levels of key nutrients like vitamins A and E have decreased significantly. This is concerning because these vitamins are essential for human health. The harm that GMO crops are doing to humanity is atrocious. (I guess that is yet another future blog post).

There are several reasons to choose organic over GMO products. First of all, GMO crops have been linked to a number of health issues. Soy and flax plants that have been genetically modified to resist herbicides have been found to contain higher levels of toxins. In addition, GMO crops can lead to the development of herbicide-resistant weeds, which can damage the environment. Alfalfa plants that have been genetically modified to resist pests have also been found to be harmful to bees. (Without bees, we are DEAD)! Furthermore, organic crops tend to be more nutritious than their GMO counterparts. Studies have shown that organic soybeans, for instance, contain more antioxidants than GMOs. Finally, organic farming is better for the environment than GMO farming. Organic farmers are held to a much higher standard than the big corporations that genetically modify us out of existence. OK! So that was a scary post, but we can all play a part in fixing this situation and only buy organic for at least the 12 dirty foods and anything GMO.

EWG's Dirty Dozen List (Buy These Organic)

  1. Strawberries

  2. Apples

  3. Nectarines

  4. Peaches

  5. Celery

  6. Grapes

  7. Cherries

  8. Spinach

  9. Tomatoes

  10. Sweet bell peppers

  11. Cherry tomatoes

  12. Cucumbers

Riordan Clinic

Avoid These GMO Products

Some common GMO crops to avoid or buy specifically organic are corn, soybean, wheat, canola, sugar beets, cotton, flaxseed, potato, papaya, summer squash, and even the poor innocent apple! I would avoid all GMO products. Period. End of THAT discussion!

Woman showing strong arm muscles with pink background

Based on my own experience, my recommendation is to eat organic flax oil, flaxseed, soy, and alfalfa, for their cancer protective nutrients. Ask your naturopath or doctor if you have any questions.

A Carrot a Day website is reader-supported. Although there is no added cost to you, we may be compensated if you buy through links on our site. Thank you for your support!!

Some food sources that contain phytoestrogens are soy, flaxseed, flax oil, sesame seeds, sesame oil, dried beans, alfala, clover, mung beans, wheat germ and CARROTS!!

You can get cold-pressed, non-GMO flax oil here. This is by far the best flax oil I have ever tasted.

Black Glass Bottle of Andreas Organic Flax Seed Oil

Cold Pressed and Non GMO Flax Seed Oil

Healthy Living and Haelan 951 Fermented Soy Beverage bottle

Healthy Living and Haelan 951

If you want a healthy non-GMO fermented soy beverage, I would try Haelan 951. It offers immune support, is anti-inflammatory, rich in antioxidants, great for gut health and detoxification, and will give you such a fantastic energy boost. Not to mention it is a powerful cancer fighter and improves longevity.

Breast Cancer Survivor with Hair Loss and Scarf on Her Head

Breast Cancer Survivor

Go here to learn more about the superb benefits of Haelan 951. Then scroll about halfway down and hear the beautiful testimony from Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, of her own breast cancer healing journey.

Haelan 951 Fermented Soy Beverage with Soy Plant in Background

Here is what Nathan Crane has to say about Haelan 951.

“I personally use Haelan 951 to improve my overall health and vitality, and I recommend anyone seeking to avoid or fight cancer and improve longevity, to learn more about this product and give it a try - the scientific studies on this are amazing! It’s a whole-food product grown organically and fermented to increase bioavailability for best results - it doesn’t get much better than this!”

And Brian Clement says,

"What I consider, one of the most, if not the most effective supplements on the planet"*

Dr. Brian Clement
Co-Director Hippocrates Health Institute

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are based on personal experiences, opinions, and my own research. Information on this website is for educational purposes and is not meant to diagnose, replace, treat or cure any medical or mental health condition. Please see your doctor with any health-related questions. Statements on this website have not been approved or evaluated by the FDA. While perusing this site, please use your best judgment in conjunction with your Naturopath or other health care provider.


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