Do We Need to Detoxify? How to Get the Best Results From Detoxification!!

Healthy fruits and vegetables spelling DETOX

The Importance of Detoxification:

My Top 6 Tips 

You are tired and sluggish all the time. You get frequent headaches, digestive issues, brain fog, or joint pain. You are just not yourself.

You may need to think about detoxification. 

Toxic environmental pollutants effecting the human body and eating pollutants as an open mouth ingesting industrial toxins with 3D illustration elements

Toxins in Our Environment

It would be nice to live in a world with only clean air, clean water, and healthy food — without toxins. Unfortunately, our modern world is not like that. Our world is full of toxins.

From cigarette smoke to exhaust fumes, the air you breathe in is full of toxins. This is especially true if you live in a city. Hydrogen chloride, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, benzene, dioxin, cadmium, asbestos, mercury, and chromium are just some of the toxins you may breathe in daily. Your indoor air is not necessarily safe either. Mold mycotoxins and other allergens may be invisible toxins in your indoor air (1).

If you are drinking tap water, you may be exposed to chloride, fluoride, lead, mercury, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, herbicides, and other toxins. Your conventional cleaning, hygiene, and beauty products are loaded with harmful chemicals. Medications and cheaply made supplements may be hurting you with synthetic ingredients (1).

Non-organic produce and food items may be full of pesticides, herbicides, additives, artificial ingredients, and hormones. Plastic packaging can expose you to harmful chemicals, especially when it’s made with bisphenol A (BPA) plastics. Amalgam mercury fillings and fluoride treatments may be leaving you with symptoms of toxicity.

Food and plants being fertilized

Problems with Toxins

I will be honest with you, the list of toxins in our modern environment is incredibly long. Reducing your exposure to toxins by shopping for organic food and products, using a water purification and indoor air filtration system, avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke, working with a biological dentist, and spending time in nature are non-negotiable. However, reducing your toxin exposure is far from enough.

Throughout your life, you’ve been exposed to so many toxins and chemicals. Even if you are extremely careful, you are still exposed to some toxicity on a daily basis. The problem is that toxins in your body may increase chronic inflammation, impact your immune health, and lead to an array of symptoms. A 2015 review published in Carcinogenesis has found that environmental toxins may increase the risk of inflammation and the development of cancer (2).

Toxin overload may reduce your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and protect your health. Thus detoxification is a critical step for regaining your health. A 2012 review published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health has found that toxins in your body may increase your risk of chronic health issues and using detoxification as a supportive therapy may be beneficial for your health (3).

Toxins within our bodies graphic

Symptoms Related to Toxin Overload

Toxin overload can impact your entire body. It may affect your skin, gut, liver, kidneys, lungs, and all other organs. It may impact your hormonal health, brain function, mood, and mental health. Toxins inside your body may lead to widespread symptoms, including but not limited to (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9):

  • Fatigue

  • Sleep troubles

  • Muscle and joint pain

  • Headaches or migraines

  • Unexpected weight gain or weight loss

  • Trouble losing weight

  • Abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and other digestive symptoms

  • Runny nose, congestion, sneezing, coughing, and other respiratory symptoms

  • Increased allergies or symptoms of asthma

  • Eczema, rashes, hives, dry skin, acne, and other skin problems

  • Brittle nails

  • Thinning hair or hair loss

  • Blood sugar fluctuations

  • Brain fog

  • Memory issues, forgetfulness, trouble concentrating, and other cognitive symptoms

  • Mood imbalances, feelings of anxiety or depression, and mental health issues

  • Increased symptoms of PMS or menstrual changes

  • Hormonal problems

  • Increased chemical sensitivity

Diagram showing how toxins enter and exit the body and where they are stored

6 Tips for Detoxification

A Carrot a Day website is reader-supported. Although there is no added cost to you, we may be compensated if you buy through links on our site. Thank you for your support!!

Your body is such a smart system that’s well-equipped to detoxify itself from harmful pathogens. Your liver and kidneys are your main detoxification organs. They are supported by your gut, your lungs, your lymphatic system, and your skin. 

The problem is that your body wasn’t designed for the toxin overload that’s coming at you in our modern world. It was designed to fight problems rising from poisonous food, smoke from a fire, allergens, and pathogenic microorganisms — not an overload of environmental toxins. Your body may be smart, but it needs your support.

This is where detoxification and using a detoxification protocol come in. I love using Zuma’s detoxification supplements to support my body and remove toxins naturally. I can’t tell you what a difference these detoxification protocols made in my life. 

Here are my top detoxification tips I’ve learned along the way.

Using Binders for Detoxification

Binders are substances that support detoxification. They bind to various toxins and then help your body to remove them through bowel movements. Bioactive carbons, including fulvic and humic acid, are some of my favorite binders for detoxification. They are organic compounds found in humus, which is part of the soil. They are abundant in minerals and support detoxification from heavy metals, pesticides, cadmium, and other toxins (10, 11, 12, 13). They offer antioxidant, immune, and gut health support (14, 15, 16). 

Fulvic and humic acid have a natural delivery, strong binding ability, and ability to support the removal of toxins through bowel movements. I love using Fulvic Acid & Trace Ocean Minerals to improve detoxification, remove heavy metals, reduce inflammation, improve cellular function, and support hormonal balance.

Detoxing of the Kidneys Infographic

Detoxifying Your Kidneys 

Your kidneys are a pair of organs that are shaped like oversized beans. They are a part of your renal system and help filter your blood and remove chemicals, waste, and toxins, allowing detoxification (17). Protecting your kidneys is important for detoxification and overall health and energy. 

Eating an anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense diet rich in kidney-supporting foods, including beets, celery, cucumber, lemon, lime, berries, broccoli, onion, parsley, cilantro, and milk thistle, is essential for kidney cleansing and kidney health (18, 19, 20, 21). For additional kidney support, I recommend the Kidney & Gallbladder Cleanse Tonic for improved kidney health, kidney and gallbladder cleansing, and renal support.

Living running away from toxin graphic

Cleansing Your Liver

Your liver is not only your largest organ, but it is also responsible for a multitude of functions, including detoxification, digestion, and protein synthesis. Your liver health is absolutely essential for your overall health. 

Following an anti-inflammatory diet, eating plenty of cruciferous vegetables, using liver-friendly herbs and spices, including turmeric, ginger, milk thistle, cilantro, garlic, and dandelion green, and drinking plenty of water is essential for liver health (22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28). I also love the Complete Liver Cleanse and Restore Protocol for liver detoxification, liver regeneration, gut health, candida and parasite detoxification, and improved energy and metabolism.

Toxins attacking the lungs image

Supporting Your Lungs

Breathing is a vital function of life. Your lungs allow your body to draw in oxygen during inhalation and release waste gas, carbon dioxide during exhalation. This gas exchange allows vital oxygen. Smoking, allergens, molds, air pollution, and other environmental toxins can compromise your lung health (29, 30, 31). 

Spending time in nature, using an indoor air filtration system, regular exercise, and breathwork can support your lung health. However, your lungs can also use further support for detoxification (32, 33). For removing inhaled pathogens and pollution particles, mucus cleansing from the lungs, reducing lung inflammation, and improved lung health, I love the Lung Detox & Support Tonic.

Toxins affecting gut health image

Supporting Your Gut

Your gut is connected to all areas of your health. If you are dealing with gut microbiome imbalance, leaky gut syndrome, or other gut health issues, it can affect your entire body. Absorbing nutrients and removing toxins and waste will become difficult (34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40). Supporting your gut health through an anti-inflammatory, fiber-rich diet, fermented foods, and appropriate supplementation is critical (41, 42, 43, 44, 45).

For gut support, I recommend the Complete GI Protocol to restore microbial balance and heal leaky gut. If you are dealing with indigestion, I’ve seen fantastic results from taking the Digestive Enzyme Complex. If you are dealing with Candida, yeast, microbial, or parasite overgrowth, I recommend Complete Candida Detox and Gut Cleanse Protocol and Complete Parasite Cleanse and Gut Reset Protocol.

Woman practicing detoxification through juices

Additional Practices for Detoxification

Since you are exposed to environmental toxins on a daily basis, detoxification and cleansing is ongoing. Beyond strategic organ detoxification and detoxification protocol, I recommend and personally practice the following detoxification and health-supporting practicing to enhance overall well-being:

  • Following an anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich diet full of greens, vegetables, herbs, spices, sprouts, fruits, nuts, and seeds to support my body on a cellular level (46)

  • Oil pulling in the morning with coconut oil to remove toxins and bacteria from your mouth and support oral health (47)

  • Dry brushing before your daily shower and try the Lymphatic Detox Tonic to support lymphatic flow (48)

  • Daily rebounding and exercise to support detoxification through sweating and improve strength, energy, and well-being (49)

  • Using an infrared sauna to improve detoxification through sweating and reduce inflammation (50)

  • Practicing meditation, mindfulness, breathwork, and gratitude to reduce stress and support mental well-being (51)

Final Thoughts

A Carrot a Day website is reader-supported. Although there is no added cost to you, we may be compensated if you buy through links on our site. Thank you for your support!!

I wholeheartedly believe that detoxification and cleansing should be part of everyone’s health practice. I recommend following my tips for detoxification and trying Zuma’s detoxification supplements to enhance your health and well-being.

Man and woman practicing detoxification through exercise

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are based on personal experiences, opinions, and my own research. Information on this website is for educational purposes and is not meant to diagnose, replace, treat or cure any medical or mental health condition. Please see your doctor with any health-related questions. Statements on this website have not been approved or evaluated by the FDA. While perusing this site, please use your best judgment in conjunction with your Naturopath or other health care provider.


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