Breast Cancer: Everything You Need to Know + Natural Strategies
Breast cancer is a diagnosis most women and men fear and nobody wants to hear. Breast cancer is a common form of cancer that affects the cells of your breast and makes them grow out of control. Fortunately, regular self-examination and early diagnosis can improve your chance of successful recovery. Furthermore, a healthy diet, lifestyle, and other natural strategies can support your health and well-being to reduce risks and support recovery.
In this article, you will learn what breast cancer is. I will discuss the different types of breast cancer. You will understand the symptoms of breast cancer. I will explain the connection between BRCA gene mutations and breast cancer. You will learn about the role of vitamin D in breast cancer. I will discuss the risk factors and root causes of breast cancer. You will learn about the importance of self-examination and early diagnosis. You will learn about diagnosis and conventional treatment options. I will also offer my favorite natural strategies for breast health and well-being.
What Is Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a form of cancer that affects the cells in your breast. It makes these cells grow out of control. Breast cancer may start in various parts of your breast, including your lobules, ducts, and connective tissues. Most breast cancer starts growing in the ducts or lobules. Breast cancer can start to grow outside the breast through your blood vessels, lymph vessels, and other parts of the body.
Types of Breast Cancer
There are different types of breast cancer. There are two main categories of breast cancer. Noninvasive (in situ) breast cancer is specific to your breast without spreading to surrounding tissue. Invasive breast cancer has metastasized or spread to other parts (1).
Within these two major categories, there are several types of breast cancer that may affect you. Common types of breast cancer include (1, 2):
Invasive ductal carcinoma: This form of breast cancer begins in your ducts and then spreads into other parts of your breast and other parts of your body. This is one of the most common forms of breast cancer.
Ductal carcinoma in situ: This is a form of breast cancer that begins at your ducts but hasn’t spread. It’s a non-invasive form of cancer.
Lobular carcinoma in situ: This form of cancer begins in your lobes, which are glands that produce breast milk. This form is non-invasive, which is more common in lobular carcinoma. However, it may also increase your risk of developing an invasive form of breast cancer in the future.
Invasive lobular carcinoma: This form of cancer begins in your lobes, which are glands that produce breast milk. This is an invasive form that has spread.
Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC): This form of breast cancer develops because of a blockage of the lymph vessels in the skin of your breast, creating red, warm, itchy, tender, firm, and warm breast due to blood flow stimulation and white blood cell accumulation.
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC): This is an invasive type of breast cancer that begins in the breast ducts.
Paget’s disease of the breast: This refers to a specific change of the skin of your nipple or areola. It may look similar to eczema, but it is actually a form of breast cancer.
Papillary carcinoma: Papillary carcinoma is a rare type of breast cancer that is characterized by fern-like projections of cancer cells.
Male breast cancer: Yes, breast cancer can affect men as well. Male breast cancer develops most commonly around the age of 60 to 70.
Metastatic breast cancer: When breast cancer has spread to other parts of your body, including your lymph nodes, lungs, bones, liver, or brain, it’s considered metastatic.
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer may include (3):
New lump in your breast or armpit
Thickening of a part of your breast
Swelling of part of your breast
Irritation of your breast skin
Redness or flakiness around your nipple or breast
Dimpling of your breast skin
Blood or other nipple discharge besides milk
Pain or pulling in your nipple area
Pain anywhere in your breast
Changes in the size or shape of your breast
BRCA Gene Mutations and Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer 1 (BRCA1) and Breast Cancer 2 (BRCA2) are tumor suppressor genes. They should work to prevent cell reproduction and proliferation. Mutations of these genes are connected to a higher risk of breast cancer. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are inherited gene mutations. BRCA1 is located on chromosome 17 and BRCA2 on chromosome 13.
These gene mutations affect about 1 in every 400 to 800 individuals and are responsible for about 5% of all breast and ovarian cancer cases (4). Beyond genetics, family history may matter too. About 10% of individuals with breast cancer have a family history of breast cancer but no BRCA mutation.
The remaining about 85% of breast cancer cases occur without a known family history of breast cancer or family history. This suggests that other factors, including diet, environmental toxins, other environmental stressors, and emotional stress, may play a role in breast cancer too. These factors may also lead to a breakdown or mutation of gene structure, increasing the risk of cancer. I will talk more about other risk factors for breast cancer in the next section. However, first, I want to discuss BRCA mutations.
According to a 2008 meta-analysis published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, genetic mutations may increase your risk of breast cancer by 60 to 87%. (5). You may inherit BRCA genetic mutations from either or both of your parents through hereditary mutations or acquire them through environmental stressors. Environmental stressors may ‘switch off’ otherwise normal genes, causing a problem and increased risk of breast cancer.
The BRCA1 gene plays a particularly critical role in putting an end to cancer development. It is the most commonly linked to triple-negative cancer. This is particularly problematic because this form of breast cancer doesn’t respond to hormonal treatments and radiation, making it difficult to treat (6). Individuals with BRCA1 gene mutations and triple-negative cancer tend to develop cancer earlier than most, between ages 25 and 45.
The BRCA2 gene mutation more commonly causes post-menopausal breast cancer, though it may also lead to pre-menopausal breast cancer too. The good news is that breast cancer associated with BRCA2 gene mutations is responsive to hormonal treatments (7). The better news is that there are natural hormonal treatments! Talk to your naturopathic doctor to find out what could work for you.
Vitamin D and BRCA
When we talk about BRCA genes and gene mutations, we have to discuss the role of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which may affect gene health and cancer risk (8). Vitamin D may also play a role in regulating the epigenetic expression of your genes (9, 10).
A 2013 study published in the Journal of Cell Biology has found that vitamin D may help to stop the CTSL-mediated breakdown of 53BP1 non-tumor cells (11). 53BP1 is a p53 gene in breast tissue that serves as a backup to BRCA to maintain healthy cell division and reduce issues. They also found that vitamin D treatment on BRCA1 deficient tumor cells helps to improve 53BP1. Researchers found that the effects of vitamin D treatment helped to improve genomic stability and decreased the proliferation of abnormal cells. They found that this may be particularly hopeful news for triple-negative breast cancer patients that don’t respond to conventional treatment strategies. The study suggests that optimized vitamin D levels and vitamin D supplementation may be particularly important for those with BRCA gene mutations.
Risk Factors for Breast Cancer
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, risk factors for breast cancer may include (12):
Genetic mutations
Getting older
Starting your period before age 12 or starting menopause after 55
Having dense breast
Family history of breast cancer or other breast diseases
Family history of breast or ovarian cancer or other non-cancerous breast diseases
Prior radiation therapy
Exposure to the drug diethylstilbestrol (DES)
Sedentary lifestyle
Being overweight or obese, especially after menopause
Taking hormones, including hormonal birth control and hormone replacement therapy
First pregnancy after age 30 or never having a full-term pregnancy
Drinking alcohol
Root Causes of Breast Cancer
Beyond the risk factors for breast cancer, I want to discuss some potential root cause factors that may contribute to chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, health imbalances, and consequently, an increased risk of breast cancer.
Chronic Inflammation
Chronic inflammation is one of the most common underlying factors that may contribute to the development of most modern-day diseases, including cancer. You may develop chronic inflammation due to an inflammatory diet, not sleeping enough, experiencing a lot of stress, being exposed to environmental toxins, not moving your body regularly, or making other poor lifestyle choices. According to a 2021 review published in Cancer (Basel), chronic inflammation may increase the risk of developing breast cancer (13).
Inflammatory Diet and Obesity
An inflammatory diet high in refined sugar, refined oils, processed meats, artificial ingredients, overly processed foods, and obesity may both increase your risk of chronic inflammation and cancer (14, 15, 16). A 2019 study published in PLoS One has found that a pro-inflammatory diet may increase the risk of cancer, including breast cancer (17). A 2017 review published in the CA: A Cancer Journal for Physicians has found that obesity may also increase the risk of breast cancer and poor outcomes (18).
Gut Dysbiosis
Your gut health is connected to all other areas of your body. Gut dysbiosis means that you have too many bad gut bacteria, and there is a gut microbiome imbalance. Gut microbiome imbalance may increase chronic inflammation and related health issues, including the risk of cancer. A 2014 study published in Current Oncology Reports has found that gut dysbiosis may be cancer-promoting in a variety of cancers, including breast cancer (19).
Environmental Toxins
Unfortunately, the world around us is full of toxins. We come in contact with toxins from air pollution, car exhaust, mold, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, dust, pollen, cigarette smoke, tap water, paint, medicine, plastic, and other things. Unfortunately, all these environmental toxins can increase your risk of cancer, including breast cancer. A 2019 study published in Environmental Epidemiology has found that exposure to pesticides increased the risk of breast cancer in the wife of farmers (20).
Nutrient Deficiencies
Nutrient deficiencies due to a poor diet, poor absorption, certain medications, certain health issues, or other factors may also increase your risk for cancer, including breast cancer. A 2017 study published in Breast Cancer has found a link between poor vitamin D levels and the risk of breast cancer (21). A 2020 study published in Aging (Albany, NY) has found a link between low vitamin C and breast cancer (22).
According to a 2016 review published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, zinc supplementation correcting deficiencies may play role in breast cancer prevention and treatment (23). A 2021 review published in Nutrients has found that vitamin A deficiency may increase the risk of various cancers, including breast (24). A 2015 study published in Breast Cancer Research has found that omega-3 fatty acids may help to reduce the risk of breast cancer (25).
Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
Early detection is the most important when it comes to breast cancer. Early detection can help you find cancer early, which may significantly improve your chances of successful recovery. Early diagnosis is twofold: regular self-examinations and screening tests.
Performing a breast self-examination is simple and doesn’t take much time. Yet, it’s incredibly important. You can perform a breast self-exam in the following ways (26):
In the shower: In the shower, you can feel your breast and armpit area with the pads of your three middle fingers. Press down around the entire area using light, medium, and firm pressure. Note any lumps, knots, thickening, or any changes in your breast.
In front of the mirror: You can visually check your breast using a mirror. Raise your arms and check for any swelling, dimpling, contour, color, or any other changes in the nipples or other areas. Then put your palms on your hips and flex your chest muscles. If your two breasts don’t look the same, it’s normal. Most women don’t. But watch for any unusual dimpling, puckering, lumps, or other changes.
Lying down: Lie down to examine your breast as they spread out. Put a pillow under your shoulders and your right arm. With the fingers of your left hand, feel around your right breast and armpit for lumps, knots, or other issues. Switch side and check your left breast.
Boob Squisher
Mammography vs Thermography
Besides regular self-exams, the conventional medical community recommends regular mammograms. According to the American Cancer Society, women between 40 and 44 should consider getting yearly mammograms, between 45 and 54, should get yearly mammograms, and over 55, should continue getting a mammogram every other year unless they decide to continue every year (27). These recommendations are for healthy women with an average risk. Those with a BRCA gene mutation, a family history of breast cancer, prior cancer diagnosis, or other risks may benefit from starting earlier testing.
What Are Mammograms?
Mammograms are low-dose x-rays of the breast that are used to find symptoms of cancer at the early stage. When breast cancer is caught early, you are less likely to need a full mastectomy (breast removal), and the chances of successful recovery are higher.
Mammograms are not perfect. They may miss cancer and sometimes even miss or over-diagnose breast cancer. More recently, a three-dimensional (3D) mammography or digital breast tomosynthesis was introduced, which offers 3D imaging and a lower chance of missed diagnosis. However, 3D mammography is not available at all health centers and often costs more. They may not be covered by your insurance either (28).
Problems with Mammograms
Holistic and functional medicine practitioners tend to warn about certain risks associated with mammograms. Since mammograms use x-ray technology, you are being exposed to ionizing radiation (29). Radiation exposure itself can also increase your risk of cancer (30). Increasing your risk of cancer to find cancer in your body may sound like a paradox. Only you know if it feels like the right risk to take.
As I mentioned, false positives can also happen during mammograms. False positives can, of course, lead to unnecessary further testing or even unnecessary and invasive treatments. This makes many holistic, natural, functional, and even conventional medicine practitioners worried (31). Not to mention that mammograms can be incredibly stressful and painful. They may cause a considerable financial burden to some individuals.
Benefits of Thermography
You may think that despite the risk of radiation, false results, financial burden, emotional stress, and physical pain, mammograms are necessary. Again, only you can make the decision for yourself. However, I want to offer an alternative option that you may consider.
Thermography is a new tool that may test for physical abnormalities in your breast. Thermography uses heat patterns related to inflammatory pathways linked to cancer and infections. It provides an accurate image of temperature and blood flow in your body and notes any asymmetry and abnormalities. If there is cancer present, we may see a steady flow of nutrients and blood flow in that direction and also increased heat in the area. It may find signs of cancer through detailed information about your vascular function before a large mass of cancer can be detected (32).
It’s important to note that thermography is not yet approved by the FDA for breast cancer and other cancer diagnoses. However, according to a 2016 observation study published in Breast Disease, thermography may play a role in breast cancer screening (33). According to a review article by the Eagly Institute of Clinical Thermography, thermography screening may be an effective diagnosis option (34). Thermography is safe, painless, and may be more cost-effective than mammograms.
I hope that knowing your options will help you to make the best decision for your health when it comes to breast cancer detection. Always consult your healthcare provider and consider your personal needs.
Further Testing
Beyond self-examination, breast exams at your doctor, mammograms, or thermography, diagnosis may include a breast ultrasound, a biopsy to remove a sample of your breast for testing, breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and other tests. For staging, you may require some blood tests, computerized tomography (CT) scans, bone scans, or positron emission tomography (PET) scans (35).
A Carrot a Day website is reader-supported. Although there is no added cost to you, we may be compensated if you buy through links on our site. Thank you for your support!!
You may also try Walk-In Lab screening tests for cancer. Click on the links for your 15% discount. Their tests are affordable, usually 85% less than standard lab prices, yet are non-invasive, accurate, reliable, and fast. They may help you save money and/or get some testing done without a doctor’s order. I recommend Screening tests for breast cancer.
Traditional Treatment Options for Breast Cancer
Traditional treatment options for breast cancer may involve (36):
Surgery: Removing cancer tissue from your breast, including a possible full mastectomy.
Chemotherapy: Using chemotherapy medicines to kill the cancer cells, either through pills, intravenously, or both.
Radiation therapy: Using high-energy radiation rays to kill cancer cells.
Hormonal therapy: Using hormones to stop cancer growth.
Biological therapy: Using your body’s own immune system to fight cancer or side effects from other cancer treatments.
There are always clinical trials for new drugs and treatment options that you may have an option of enrolling in, especially if you have a treatment-resistant or serious case. Some conventional practitioners also recommend alternative treatment options, including diet and lifestyle strategies, along with conventional treatment (36).
Natural Strategies to Support Your Breast Health
Whether you currently have breast cancer or want to lower your risk factors, there are some natural strategies you can try to support your breast health.
Follow an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Chronic inflammation, eating an inflammatory diet, and obesity, are some of the main underlying risk factors for breast cancer. They may also hinder your recovery (13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18). Following a nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich, plant-based, whole foods, and anti-inflammatory diet may help to support your body.
I recommend following an organic whole foods plant-based diet with lots of raw foods. Remove all pro-inflammatory foods from your diet, including refined sugar, refined oils, artificial ingredients, additives, gluten, grains, flours, food allergens, food sensitivities, and overly processed foods. Eat plenty of greens, vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, fermented foods, nuts, and seeds. Focus on healthy fats, including flaxseed oil, hemp oil, black seed oil, coconut oil, avocadoes, and seeds. I recommend Andreas seed oils for healthy cold-pressed oils and healthy fats.
I recommend eating plenty of raw foods, including raw leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, and sprouts. Raw food or a higher raw diet is something that many cancer-thrivers find helpful. Now that I am cancer-free, I personally find that following an 80% raw and 20% cooked plant-based diet works best for me. You may experiment to see what works for you.
You may even try sprouting or organic gardening. I recommend organic gardening with True Leaf, High Mowing Organic Seeds, and Hamana.
Hydrate Your Body
Hydrating your body is just as important as eating healthy foods. Hydration is important for cleansing, detoxification, energy, and overall wellness. According to a 2020 review published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, proper hydration may help to reduce the risk of breast cancer (37).
Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses a day minimum. If you are feeling dehydrated, ill, working out, it’s hot outside, or you are sweating a lot, drink more. Make sure it's clean, filtered water instead of a regular tap. I highly recommend and personally use the Berkey water filter system to remove toxins and chemicals from your tap water. Drink plenty of herbal tea, green juices, and green smoothies. I also recommend Invigorated Water for alkaline water.
In addition to water, you may add some herbal tea, green juices, and smoothies. For tea, I love Mountain Rose Herbs, Terra Life Store Herbal Tea. For your juicing needs, I recommend Omega Juicers, the Sana Juicer with an Oil Extractor attachment, Commercial Grade Samon Juicer, the Slowstar Vertical Slow Juicer, the Hurricane Manual Stainless Steel Wheatgrass Juicer, and Hamana wheatgrass for juicing. Terra Life Store also sells some wonderful green juice powders. If you are into smoothies and other blended drinks and foods, I recommend Omega blenders for your smoothies, shakes, nut butter, dips, sauces, and soups. And of course I absolutely love this machine to make nut milk!! You can click here to find more nut milk recipes.
If you feel overwhelmed starting a new diet or feeling too unwell to cook every day, don’t worry. Organic Pharmer is here for your rescue. They have some amazing juices, shakes, soups, energy shots, and healthy food bars to nourish your body without prep work and cooking. Their products are not only healthy but absolutely delicious too. I particularly love their Phast program. It’s perfect if you have a healing crisis.
Try Juicing and Carrot Juicing
Juicing vegetables is a common strategy used in holistic health. Making carrot juice is commonly used in alternative holistic cancer care. The Gerson therapy is a complex regimen that uses juicing, organic fruits and vegetables, supplements, and detoxification strategies to address cancer (38). The Gerson therapy recommends drinking fresh-pressed carrot juice several times a day. You can find evidence and cases supporting its benefits (39).
Drinking vegetable juices offer many health benefits that may support your health and recovery. The Academy of Nutrition of Dietetics states that juicing is a great option for adding more nutrients to your diet and supporting cancer treatment and recovery (40).
A 2011 review published in the Journal of American College of Nutrition has found that fruit and vegetable juices may help to boost your antioxidant levels (41). According to a 2004 study published in the Journal of American College of Nutrition, drinking vegetable and fruit juices may help to improve your antioxidant and flavonoid levels in as little as 14 weeks (41). Carrot juices specifically are very high in vitamin A and C that help to boost your immune health. According to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine and a 2012 review published in Vritrni Lekarstvi, vitamin A and C are both powerful antioxidants that may reduce oxidative stress and may support your immune system (42, 43). Carrot juice is also a great source of vitamin B6. According to a 2017 study published in the Journal of Immune Research, vitamin B6 deficiency may be linked to poor immunity and the reduced growth of lymphocytes (immune cells) (44).
A 2021 test tube study published in the Anti-cancer Agents in Medicinal Biochemistry has found that polyacetylenes in carrots may act as anti-cancer agents (45). A 2018 review published in Medicine (Baltimore) has found that high carrot consumption may reduce the risk of breast cancer (46). Other smaller studies have found a link between cancer and a reduced risk of other cancers, including leukemia and colon cancer (47, 48, 49).
I recommend drinking carrot juices regularly along with other green juices. I recommend Omega Juicers, the Sana Juicer with an Oil Extractor attachment, Commercial Grade Samon Juicer, or the Slowstar Vertical Slow Juicer. If you don’t have time for juicing, I recommend Organifi Green Juice for immunity, stress, and hormonal health, Organifi Gold Juice for sleep, immune health, inflammation, and nourishment, Organifi Red Juice for energy and antioxidant support, or Terra Life green juice powders for overall nourishment. You may also order some juices from the Organic Pharmer.
Reduce Stress, Improve Your Sleep, and Move Your Body
Chronic inflammation is one of the main driving factors of breast cancer (13). Chronic stress, poor sleep, and a sedentary lifestyle may increase chronic inflammation and the risk of breast cancer. Reducing your stress levels, improving your sleep, and moving your body regularly are critical to supporting your health and recovery.
I recommend that you practice prayer, guided relaxation strategies, visualization, breathwork, positive affirmations, and gratitude daily. Spend time in nature to calm your mind and feel more connected with the world. Spend time with loving friends and family and seek a supportive community. Don’t be shy to seek out a support group, therapist, counselor, life coach, or spiritual counselor.
Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. If you are on a healing journey and your body needs more rest, honor it with naps and more sleep. Avoid heavy food, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and electronics closer to bedtime. Try sipping on some herbal tea from Numi. Try some essential oils by Young Living or use a salt lamp to create a relaxing mood. Invest in comfortable organic sheets and pillow cases, supporting pillows, and a mattress such as Weighted Evolution organic bamboo blankets. Try Mosaic Weighted Blankets for rest and relaxation. Use an eye mask or black-out curtains to ensure sleeping in the dark.
Move your body regularly throughout the day. Get up and shake out your body. Stretch regularly. Go for a short walk. Dance to your favorite song. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Exercise at least 5 days a week. Combine cardiovascular exercise, resistance and strength training, and low-impact exercise. I love rebounding for cardio and lymphatic support. I can even sneak in some strength training into my rebounding workouts. I recommend Rebound-Air rebounders. I highly recommend the Scoop Leg Exercise Machine for a convenient workout. Swimming, hiking, biking, dancing, and jogging are some other good options for cardio. For resistance and strength training, I highly recommend trying the Power Plate. You may try some resistance bands, free weights, weight machines, or kettlebells. Yoga, pilates, and Barre are great lower-impact workouts that strengthen and lengthen your body. For lymph movement workouts, I also love the Melt Method.
If you are currently recovering from cancer, you may be too tired to move your body too much. Certain treatment options can also slow you down. Listen to your body and do what you can. If it’s some stretching, light bouncing on the rebounder, gardening, or a 10-minute walk, do that. Just move your body throughout the day as much as you can. Start with low-impact exercise and increase your load as you get stronger. Working with a physical therapist, movement therapist, or knowledgable trainer may help you to exercise appropriately and learn good form.
Avoid Xenoestrogens
Xenoestrogens are substances that have a similar molecular structure to estrogen. They bind to estrogen receptors the same as estrogen, which can have serious health consequences. Xenoestrogens can increase hormonal imbalances and the risk of cancer. A 2010 review published in Toxic Pathology has found that xenoestrogens are endocrine disruptors and may increase the risk and progression of breast cancer (50).
Xenoestrogens may hide in plastics, pesticides, various chemicals, and the water system. Yes, they may be found in all kinds of everyday products, including plastic bottles, cosmetics, food cans, detergents, and so on.
I recommend avoiding xenoestrogens as much as possible. Avoid using plastic, especially BPA. Choose glassware, ceramics, wood, bamboo, organic cotton, and other natural, safer options instead of plastic. For safe and non-toxic cookware, I recommend Xtrema Pure Ceramic Cookware. I also recommend this New Titan water bottle. Avoid conventional, chemical-filled products and choose organic, natural, and homemade household, cleaning, hygiene, body, and beauty products. For your natural household cleaning needs, I recommend Young Living and Branch Basics. For personal hygiene, body, and beauty care, I recommend Young Living, Primal Life Organics, Purity Woods, and Holistic Thingz.
Focus on Lymphatic Cleansing
Lymphatic cleansing is another important strategy for breast and overall health. You can think about your lymphatic system as a drain inside your home. When the drain gets clogged, your toilet can start to rot, decay, and have issues. Same with your body. Lymphatic congestion can lead to all kinds of health issues, including chronic inflammation, weakened immunity, fatigue, sore breast, and increased symptoms. According to a 2021 review published in Medicina (Kaunas), breast cancer cells may move into your blood and lymphatic capillaries, and spread to the lymph nodes (51).
Protecting your breasts lymphatic network and lymphatic mechanisms is key. Move your body to support lymphatic cleansing (find more information in this article) and detoxification through sweating. Try rebounding with Rebound-Air rebounders. Try dry brushing to support detoxification and lymphatic cleansing. Try this Relaxus Bamboo Dry Brush.
Improve Detoxification
Since environmental toxin overload is one of the main driving factors behind breast cancer risk, reducing your toxin exposure and improving detoxification are key for your health (20). Here is what you can do:
Choose organic food at all times to avoid your exposure to pesticides, herbicides, and hormones.
Drink purified water instead of regular tap water. I recommend the Berkey water filter system to remove toxins and chemicals from your tap water.
Use a high-quality HEPA air filtration system to improve your indoor air by reducing mold, allergens, dust, pathogens, and other toxins in your indoor air. My favorite air purifiers include AirOasis, Alen Air, or EOS.
Stop smoking. If you are not a smoker, don’t start. Avoid second-hand smoke as much as possible. Avoid vaping as well.
Choose organic, natural, and homemade household, cleaning, hygiene, body, and beauty products. For your natural household cleaning needs, I recommend Young Living and Branch Basics. For personal hygiene, body, and beauty care, I recommend Young Living, Primal Life Organics, Purity Woods, and Holistic Thingz.
Avoid using plastic, especially BPA. Choose glassware, ceramics, wood, bamboo, organic cotton, and other natural, safer options instead of plastic. For safe and non-toxic cookware, I recommend Xtrema Pure Ceramic Cookware. I also recommend this New Titan water bottle.
If you are working at a high-risk job, you may want to consider changing your job if you can and pay extra attention to daily detoxification strategies.
Follow a nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory, gut-supporting, antioxidant-rich diet full of greens, vegetables, herbs, spices, and fruits to support digestion, absorption, cleansing, and elimination. Check out Organic Pharmer’s Phast for some delicious nutrition support.
Grow your own organic food. Try organic gardening with True Leaf, High Mowing Organic Seeds, and Hamana,
Hydrate your body well with plenty of purified water, green juices, herbal tea, and hydrating fruits and veggies to support detoxification through urine and sweating. Try Invigorated Water, Organifi Green Juice, and Terra Life green juices, and herbal tea for hydration.
Move your body to support lymphatic cleansing and detoxification through sweating. Try rebounding with Rebound-Air rebounders.
Try an infrared sauna to support detoxification through the skin. I recommend the infrared sauna domes and sauna blankets by 1LoveHealth and the infrared mats by HealthyLine.
Try dry brushing to support detoxification and lymphatic cleansing. Try this Relaxus Bamboo Dry Brush.
Try some lymphatic cleansing tea. I recommend Organic Sana Blood & Lymphatic Detox Tea.
Try toxin binders, such as activated charcoal to remove waste through bowel movements.
Try castor oil packs for liver health and detoxification. I recommend Queen of Thrones.
Try coffee enemas to remove waste through your bowels, promote glutathione production, stimulate the liver to detox your blood, and decrease the toxic load on your liver.
Try Global Healing Oxy-Powder for colon cleansing. Or go all in and do a complete body detox. You will feel great afterward!!
Reduce EMF exposure. I recommend EMF protection products by Defender Shield.
Improve Your Vitamin D Levels
Earlier in this article, you’ve learned the connection between poor vitamin D levels and the risk of breast cancer (8, (9, 10, 11, 21). Optimizing your vitamin D levels is especially important if you have a BRCA gene mutation, a family history of breast cancer, or personal history of breast cancer or breast health issues.
Getting plenty of sunshine is essential for vitamin D. However, living an indoor lifestyle and many of us residing in colder or gloomier climates, meeting your vitamin D through sunshine alone is not possible. I recommend taking this vitamin D daily to improve your vitamin D levels.
Add Glutathione
Glutathione is another fantastic supplement you may try. It is a powerful antioxidant that may help to protect your DNA particles. Protecting your DNA may be particularly important since BRCA gene mutations and genomic instability due to oxidative stress can increase your risk of breast cancer. A 2013 review published in Nutrients has found that glutathione may play an important role in DNA repair (52).
Food sources of glutathione include citrus, asparagus, spinach, mustard green, kale, cabbage, bok choy, avocados, onion, garlic, cucumber, Brazil nuts, green tea, cruciferous vegetables, milk thistle, turmeric, sweet potatoes, and other plant foods. Additionally, I recommend using Micro Ingredients Glutathione to improve your glutathione levels. Or if you prefer a pure dose liposomal as I do you can get it here. I use both. The powders I just put in my smoothies. The liposomal you can either take by tablespoon or also add to smoothies.
Try Vitamin C Therapy
As you’ve learned earlier in this article, low levels of vitamin C may be linked to an increased risk of breast cancer (22). A 2018 study published in Scientific Reports has found that vitamin C supplementation may help to reduce the risk and recurrence and support the treatment of breast cancer (53).
Using intravenous (IV) vitamin C therapy is a popular holistic and complementary therapy for breast cancer. A 2011 study published in In Vivo has found that vitamin C IV treatment is a well-tolerated, safe alternative method that may support cancer therapies and offers a complementary treatment option for breast cancer (54). They found that vitamin C may help to improve quality of life and reduce side effects of other treatment options.
Vitamin C IV therapy is not always available for everyone. If it’s not available in your area or costs are prohibitive for you to use it regularly, you may try supplementing with vitamin C. I highly recommend Liposomal Vitamin C by Purity Health to improve your vitamin C levels. Alternatively, you can also get wonderful liposomal vitamin c in my store. I would also recommend consuming lots of vitamin C-rich foods, including lemon, lime, oranges, mandarins, tangerines, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple, strawberries, guava, papaya, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbages, tomatoes, bell pepper, snow peas, sweet potatoes, and parsley.
Use Haelan951
“Haelan 951 is a one-of-a-kind nitrogen fermented beverage made from a unique species of 100% organic soybean Grown in the mountains of Mongolia. This beverage has a 30+ year history of improving health at a cellular level.
Our advanced concentrate has calculated levels of native soybean compounds, fermentation metabolites and enzymes showing various biological properties, such as anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic activities and more.
Balanced by nature to gain and maintain optimal health.”
Read this article on Phytoestrogens in estrogen-positive breast cancer!!
Boost Your Nutrients
As we’ve discussed earlier, nutrient deficiencies may increase your risk and slow your healing from breast cancer. Low levels of zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids may particularly play a role (23, 24, 25, 44).
To boost your zinc you may add more zinc-rich foods to your diet, including seeds, nuts, chickpeas, lentils, and beans. I also recommend taking this zinc. To improve vitamin A, I recommend drinking carrot juice, eating or juicing leafy greens, tomatoes, red bell pepper, carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, butternut squash, papaya, mangoes, grapefruit, and cantaloupe. For better vitamin B levels, I recommend eating lots of dark, leafy greens, avocados, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, peas, chickpeas, and sunflower seeds. You may also try this Vitamin B12 and get your other B vitamins from Superior Labs. For improved omega-3 fatty acids, I recommend eating hemp seeds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and algae.
Other nutrition supplements that you may try to help to boost your immunity, hormonal health, energy, or other areas of your health include:
Fermented Multi-Vitamin for supporting a healthy immunity, digestion & brain function
Patent-pending fermentation process maximizes nutrient potency & absorption
Women’s Hormone Balance for balancing hormones, energy, vitality, and healthy sexual response
Liposomal Magnesium for cellular support (44% off if you click on this link. That is a huge saving)!
Magnesium Capsules for reducing stress & anxiety levels, promoting restorative sleep, healthy heart and strong bones, energy, and healthy cellular, and nerve function
Fermented Mushroom Capsules for Beta-Glucans and immunity
Supports a strong, adaptive immune system year-round*
Helps protect against high levels of inflammation in the body*
Promotes mental clarity, and memory recall & helps eliminate brain fog*
Supports healthy blood pressure, blood sugar levels & digestion*
Helps ward off abnormal cell growth & cellular aging*
Enhances energy levels & physical performance*
Turkey Tail Mushroom and Other Mushroom Powders for all of the above and more. Turkey Tail has awesome cancer-fighting properties and has more than 30% beta-glucans. Mushrooms are my go to for EVERYTHING!!
Or check out my store for other great mushroom products.
Organifi Green Juice for immunity, stress, hormonal health, and more
Organifi Gold Juice for sleep, immune health, inflammation, and nourishment
Organifi Red Juice for energy and antioxidant support
Plant-Based Quercetin for inflammation and histamine
Most Absorbable Curcumin for inflammation and pain
Sunset Valley Organic Certified Black Raspberry Powder for antioxidant support
Living Fuel nutrition powders for overall nutrition support
Lone Star Botanicals for herbs, teas, and superfoods for overall health support
Essiac Tea Benefits
Essiac tea is a delicious herbal tea. It includes slippery elm, burdock root, sheep sorrel, and Indian rhubarb. It’s popular in the natural health world since Canadian nurse Rene Caisse promoted it for cancer support in the 1920s. According to a 2006 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology and some other research, essiac tea may offer antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties (55, 56, 57).
A 2005 study published in Phytotherapy Research and a 2021 study published in Oat have found that essiac tea may have anti-tumor properties.(58, 59, 60). While more research is needed on the benefits of essiac tea for cancer, its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are certainly something to benefit from. I recommend Essiac Tea from Mountain Herbs.
Use Castor Oil Packs
Castor oil has been used for detoxification and liver cleansing for a long time. According to a 2000 study published in Mediators of Inflammation, it may also help to reduce inflammation (61).
To make a homemade castor oil pack, just put some castor oil on a wool cloth until it’s soaked through but not dripping. Add a couple of drops of essential oil if you would like. I recommend adding Magi-Plexx as it has a blend of frankincense, turmeric, and myrrh (all good anti-inflammatory oils). Put the cloth strips directly over your liver or breast or anywhere you choose to use the pack. Put a towel over it. Put a hot water bottle on the top. Or you can use a heating pad. For a low PEMF heating pad, you can get one here. Leave it on for 30 to 60 minutes. Use it daily or as much as you want. I would definitely use it for any pain. For a faster and less messy method, I recommend Queen of Thrones. I still use both methods.
Use Infrared Sauna and PEMF Mats
Breast cancer and other cancers are usually characterized by oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, toxin overload, compromised immunity, and chronic symptoms. You may benefit from infrared saunas and PEMF mat technology during your recovery.
Infrared saunas use an infrared heater that releases infrared light. Infrared saunas are powered by a non-invasive light therapy called Far Infrared Technology (FIR) to support detoxification and removing toxins through sweating. Infrared sauna may also help to reduce pathogenic organisms, boost your immune system, improve circulation, optimize liver and kidney detoxification, support cellular renewal, and offer other health benefits (62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67).
You can use infrared saunas at your home thanks to dome saunas and sauna blankets. I absolutely love the infrared saunas by 1LoveHealth. They offer sauna domes, such as the Luxor ZERO Sauna Dome and sauna blankets, like the PREMIUM ZERO Sauna Blanket, which are the perfect solution in a small space. I also love the far infrared sauna mats by HealthyLine, such as the Flexible InfraMat Pro. They even offer InfraMat Chairs if you prefer sitting down while experiencing the benefits of infrared technology. To receive 20% off and free shipping (in the continental US only), use the code Carrot10 at check out.
Additionally, you may combine pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) with infrared therapy. PEMF therapy can supply your low-energy cells with raw energy. PEMF therapy uses magnetic energy waves that may help to provoke electrical shifts in your cells to improve well-being (68). PEMF therapy may help to lower chronic inflammation, help muscle repair, promote sleep, improve circulation, increase blood flow, improve bone health, support tissue healing, improve energy, and offer many other health benefits (69, 70, 71).
I highly recommend the PEMF mats by HealthyLine, such as the Photon PEMF InfraMat Pro. The PEMF mats by HealthyLine provide a luxury heating experience. You can adjust the wave type, frequency, pulse duration, or intensity. It’s made with non-toxic materials. The best part: it combines PEMF therapy and infrared light therapy. I highly recommend any infrared and PEMF mats by HealthyLine.
Next Steps
Taking care of your breast health is important. Fortunately, you can support your body naturally. I recommend following my tips and trying the products I recommend to support your breast health and overall well-being. One day at a time, you can reclaim your health, energy, and happiness.
Disclaimer: The contents of this website are based on personal experiences, opinions, and my own research. Information on this website is for educational purposes and is not meant to diagnose, replace, treat or cure any medical or mental health condition. Please see your doctor with any health-related questions. Statements on this website have not been approved or evaluated by the FDA. While perusing this site, please use your best judgment in conjunction with your Naturopath or other health care provider.