Try These Easy Steps to Protect Yourself From The Dangers of EMF Exposure

telecommunication mast TV antennas wireless technology

How to Protect Yourself from Symptoms of EMF Exposure

Cell phones, computers, WiFi, and other electronic appliances have become part of our everyday life. Can you imagine living without the internet? Though I absolutely remember the time before cell phones and laptops, I have to admit that I certainly rely on these tools in my everyday life today. 

About 90% of the world’s population has access to electricity and electrical devices (1). The number is much higher in the US. Nearly all of us use something electronic every day. After all, you are currently reading this article on your phone, laptop, tablet, or computer.

These devices and gadgets are a convenient and even necessary part of our lives. Yet, they may not be as safe as you think. Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) or radiation exposure from using these tools can negatively impact your health. EMF exposure can increase your risk of fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, headaches, insomnia, and even cancer.

Protecting yourself from EMF exposure is absolutely critical for protecting your health and reducing your risk of cancer and other health issues. Today, I want to discuss the dangers of EMF exposure and how to protect yourself.

Woman hand holding mobile phone and laptop data synchronization device at co-working office, She using in mobile applications and multimedia program

What Are EMFs + Types of EMF Exposure?

EMFs are also referred to as radiation. They are invisible areas of energy that are connected to the use of electrical power, man-made light, and natural light.

There are two types of EMF exposure: non-ionizing and ionizing EMF. Non-ionizing radiation causes low-level radiation, while ionizing radiation causes high-level radiation. Ionizing radiation can be much more dangerous to your health. However, regular exposure to non-ionizing radiation can also lead to symptoms and health issues. The further you stay from the EMF source, the lower your EMF exposure, EMF intensity, and health risks will be (2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

Non-ionizing radiation includes:

  • Cell phones

  • Tablets

  • Laptops

  • Computers

  • Bluetooth devices

  • WiFi routers

  • Microwave ovens

  • House energy meters

  • Power lines

  • MRI imaging

Ionizing radiation includes:

  • X-rays

  • Ultraviolet lights (UV)

Warning EMF Symbol Sign,Radiation warning sign on the Hazardous materials transport label

Danger Levels of EMF Exposure

Speaking with friends and even professionals, you may find that the dangers of EMF exposure is a rather controversial topic. We know for certain that high-frequency radiation can be very harmful to your health. This is why doctors always ask you about possible pregnancy before getting an x-ray. They want to avoid endangering the baby’s health. This is also a reason for protecting yourself from UV damage when staying out in the sun.

However, when it comes to low-frequency radiation, we don’t have as much research evidence yet. The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARc) states that low-frequency radiation may be harmful and carcinogenic (7). Some research studies support this claim. However, we still need more research to completely understand the possible dangers of EMF exposure, including low-frequency radiation.

One problem we run into is that using cell phones, WiFi, microwaves, or other electronics generally doesn’t cause any noticeable damage and change in your health right away. Damage occurs, and symptoms develop over time. Symptoms of EMF exposure can also be similar to and overlap with symptoms of various chronic health issues. This makes pinpointing the cause of the problem more difficult, especially if you are working with conventional health practitioners unaware of the dangers of EMF exposure.

Group of kids using cell phones while sitting together on a couch.

Research Evidence on the Dangers of EMF Exposure

Though research is still ongoing on the dangers of EMF exposure, we do have some evidence that serves as a warning sign. Here is what we know about the dangers of EMF exposure:

  • Cell Phones: Most of us use our cell phones regularly throughout the day. However, carrying your cell phone too close to your body may be harmful. According to a 2013 study published in Case Reports in Science Medicine, carrying their cell phones in their bras has increased the risk of developing breast cancer in the same area in women (8).

  • WiFi: Though WiFi is a relatively new technology, most people rely on WiFi for their internet in today's world. However, according to the Environmental Health Trust, WiFi use and EMF exposure can increase your toxic burden and have toxic effects on your brain health. This may increase the risk of fatigue, weakness, dizziness, concentration issues, and anxiety (9). A 2017 research published in BioMed Research International has found that WiFi may increase the risk of brain cancer (10). 

  • Microwave ovens: Microwave ovens have been around for longer than WiFi and cell phones. They make microwaves when they are turned on with the door shot to heat your food. However, microwave ovens can increase free radical damage and oxidative stress. A 2011 review published in Experimental Oncology has found that long-term use of microwave oven radiation can increase the risk of cancer (11). The World Health Organization (WHO) advises that staying further from your microwave instead of in front of it may reduce radiation (12). Of course, not using a microwave oven at all may be your safest bet.

  • Power Lines: The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that there are currently no federal regulations for controlling residential or occupational exposure to power lines in the US (13). A 1979 study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and a 2005 study published in BMJ have linked power lines to an increased risk of childhood cancer (14, 15). We know that your exposure and danger levels decrease the further you are from power lines. If there are power lines across or near your home, you can ask your power company to bury the lines to improve your protection level.

Beware Of Non-ionizing radiation Hazard, Warning  sign

Symptoms of Chronic EMF Exposure and EMF Hypersensitivity

EMF exposure can affect your nervous system, brain health, and entire body in different ways. As you’ve learned, ionizing radiation and long-term use of non-ionizing radiation may increase the risk of free radical damage and cancer. However, symptoms and health risks may vary when it comes to lower EMF levels. Some people are hypersensitive to EMF and may experience immediate and severe symptoms, others may not notice symptoms for a long time or at all.

Possible symptoms of EMF exposure and EMF hypersensitivity may include but are not limited to:

  • Fatigue

  • Insomnia

  • Sleep problems

  • Headaches or migraines

  • Brain fog

  • Memory issues

  • Concentration issues

  • Dizziness

  • Irritability

  • Restlessness

  • Mood changes

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Tinnitus

  • Tingling 

  • Burning skin

  • Blood sugar issues

  • Loss of appetite

  • Weight loss

  • Weight gain 

  • Obesity

  • Hormonal issues 

  • Infertility

Since these symptoms are similar to chronic symptoms of a variety of health issues. It’s usually impossible to know if your symptoms are only due to EMF exposure. In most cases, chronic symptoms occur due to a combination of root problems. Reducing your EMF exposure is certainly a critical step and may immediately help to reduce your symptoms and health risk. However, to truly protect your health, it’s important that you also follow a healthy, nutrient-dense diet, sleep plenty, exercise regularly, reduce your environmental toxin exposure, and practice other healthy lifestyle strategies.

Home office EMF protection products that according to earthing research reduces inflammation and burden on the immune system from electromagnetic frequencies. Device sleeves, earthing mats, plug-ins.

Recommendations for EMF Protection

Though it’s impossible to eliminate your EMF exposure completely. Even if you move off-grid, you would still be somewhat exposed in most cases. However, you can reduce your EMF exposure and protect your body from EMF exposure and harm.

Reduce Your Daily EMF Exposure Levels

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Reducing your EMF exposure is the first step. Here is what I recommend to decrease your daily EMF exposure and cell phone radiation:

  • Unless you are actively using them or absolutely need them on, keep your phone and other devices on airplane mode.

  • Choose hard-wire internet over WiFi whenever you can.

  • Reduce your WiFi use as much as possible, and always turn off your WiFi router at night or when not in use.

  • Don’t use your cell phone while charging.

  • Keep your electronic devices as far from your body as possible.

  • Choose hard-wire headsets and tools instead of Bluetooth connections.

  • Turn off and keep your cell phone, tablets, and other electronics out of your bedroom or when sleeping.

  • Opt for landlines or face-to-face connections instead of cell phones and the internet, especially for long conversations.

  • Sleep as far from any circuit breakers and large appliances as possible.

  • Take digital detox days.

  • Use an anti-radiation cell phone pouch, sleeve, or case.

feet of woman in the sea waves on sunset for grounding

Ground Your Body

Grounding is a practice that allows you to connect with the Earth’s electrical rhythms and neutralize positive ions from electronics. Grounding can help you to connect with nature, reduce stress, lower fatigue, improve energy, and decrease pain (16, 17, 18, 19). Take off your shoes and walk barefoot whenever you can. Let your feet touch the grass, soil, or sand when walking, standing, or sitting barefoot. Soak your feet or entire body in natural water, such as rivers, lakes, or the sea. Lay on grass or the ground outside. Hug a tree or lean on them when sitting to soak in its natural electricity and energy.

Try Infrared Sauna and PEMF Mats

I’ve discussed the health benefits of infrared saunas and PEMF mats in this article. I recommend that you check it out. Infrared sauna and PEMF technology can help to reduce inflammation, decrease oxidative stress, improve chronic symptoms, aid detoxification, support cellular renewal, and improve immune health (20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28). These benefits may help to reduce your symptoms from EMF exposure. I recommend infrared saunas by 1LoveHealth and infrared saunas and PEMF mats by HealthyLine.

Defender Shield Blanket for Laptop EMF Protection

Try Defender Shield

Defender Shield products are designed to protect you from EMF radiation and reduce your risk of EMF-related symptoms and health issues.  I use these EMF protection products every day and have noticed a difference in my health, energy, and well-being.

Defender Shield offers shields and sleeves for your laptop, tablets, and cell phones. They offer EMF protection headphones. I also highly recommend their blue-light-blocking glasses.

You will find Defender Shield EMF protection clothing, including beanies, baseball caps, gloves, pregnancy belly bands, scarves, and sleep masks. They have a great selection of EMF protection bags and pouches. Defender Shield blankets and duvet covers can protect you in your sleep. They even offer wallpaper to protect your entire home.

Final Thoughts

Though it’s impossible to escape EMF exposure completely, you can do a lot to protect yourself from EMFs and EMF-related symptoms and health issues. I recommend that you follow my strategies for reducing EMF exposure to improve your health and symptoms. I highly recommend using an infrared sauna and PEMF mats by 1LoveHealth and HealthyLine, and EMF protection products by Defender Shield.

Blooming field or meadow with sunset. Dramatic sky with sunbeams. Blooming flowers in the green grass. Panorama with HDR effect.

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are based on personal experiences, opinions, and my own research. Information on this website is for educational purposes and is not meant to diagnose, replace, treat or cure any medical or mental health condition. Please see your doctor with any health-related questions. Statements on this website have not been approved or evaluated by the FDA. While perusing this site, please use your best judgment in conjunction with your Naturopath or other health care provider.


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