How Awesome is Coffee for You and Does It Have a Dark Side?
Is Coffee Good for Us, or Bad
Many people are wondering whether coffee is bad for us. While coffee has long been criticized for its high caffeine content, very little evidence suggests that coffee itself is harmful to our health. In fact, coffee has been shown to have many positive effects, including providing energy and boosting cognitive function. Additionally, coffee contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins.
Therefore, coffee is likely not as bad for us as many believe.
Finding Out The Truth About Toxins In Your Supplements
Doing Everything Right
So you are going along thinking that you are doing everything you can for your body. You are eating well, exercising, and taking your vitamins or other supplements! You are checking all the boxes! That’s what happened to me! But then I started feeling overall rundown. That is when I took a good hard look at what was in my supplements. You would be surprised at the toxins I discovered in most of them!
In this post, I will explain what the toxins are, what they do to our bodies, and what we can do to change not only our supplements but our buying habits as well. I will give you a list of clean supplements that you can use to replace the nefarious ones. I will also attempt to name as many toxins as I can, but there are so so many. The good news is that most supplements can be replaced.
Organic Gardening: How to Start Your Organic Garden in 9 Easy Steps
A healthy body starts with healthy, nutrient-dense food. This means organic whole foods.
But where does organic food come from? A garden or a farm, of course. Buying organic produce at a local organic farmer’s market, organic farmer’s stand or organic health food store is great and convenient. Growing your own organic food, however, can be incredibly satisfying. It’s good for your mental health and soul — and good for your body once you put the food on the table
Try These Easy Steps to Protect Yourself From The Dangers of EMF Exposure
How to Protect Yourself from Symptoms of EMF Exposure
Cell phones, computers, WiFi, and other electronic appliances have become part of our everyday life. Can you imagine living without the internet? Though I absolutely remember the time before cell phones and laptops, I have to admit that I certainly rely on these tools in my everyday life today.