Take Time Out of Your Hectic Life to Enjoy this Summer Holiday
Lifestyle Nancy Smith Lifestyle Nancy Smith

Take Time Out of Your Hectic Life to Enjoy this Summer Holiday

Happy Times and the 4th of July

The 4th of July is a time to celebrate our country's independence from Britain. For many people, this holiday is all about barbecues, picnics, and enjoying time with family and friends.

However, if you choose to eat a whole food plant-based diet, the 4th of July can be tricky. Most of the food typically served on this holiday is not vegan-friendly. Luckily, there are plenty of delicious vegan options that everyone can enjoy. From BBQ tofu skewers to watermelon salad, plenty of recipes will make your 4th of July celebrations special.

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Gentle Dry Brushing To Better Move Your Lymph
Lifestyle, Health Guides Nancy Smith Lifestyle, Health Guides Nancy Smith

Gentle Dry Brushing To Better Move Your Lymph

The Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is a vital part of the immune system. It comprises a network of vessels and organs that help filter fluids and remove waste from the body. Lymph nodes are an essential part of this system, and are located throughout the body in areas where the lymphatic vessels converge.

There are approximately 600-700 lymph nodes in the human body, which play a vital role in protecting us from infection.

Lymph nodes contain white blood cells known as lymphocytes, which help fight off bacteria and viruses. When we are infected with a pathogen, our lymph nodes can become swollen and painful as they work to rid our bodies of the invader. Keeping your lymph moving is critical to your health.

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12 of the Best Health Promoting Summertime Treats to Cool You Off
Nutrition Nancy Smith Nutrition Nancy Smith

12 of the Best Health Promoting Summertime Treats to Cool You Off

Summertime and the living is easy! This blog post is a summer food fun post because I love summer! When I started my healthy lifestyle, I realized how often I felt deprived of eating yummy food. So often we are bombarded with sugary, processed, or otherwise unhealthy treats. It seriously does not have to be that way! We can eat healthy treats without feeling cheated! We can even eat sweet treats! We can even thrive on these foods, as each ingredient I have chosen is health-promoting.

Besides plain fruit or veggies, there are some really refreshing and tasty treats that we can have.

In this post, I have added both sweet and savory treats to keep the oven off and keep you cool this summer!

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How to Live Your Best Life and Eat a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet
Lifestyle, Nutrition Nancy Smith Lifestyle, Nutrition Nancy Smith

How to Live Your Best Life and Eat a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet

What is a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet

A whole-food plant-based diet, or WFPB diet, focuses on consuming whole, unprocessed plant foods. It includes fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and nuts and excludes meat, dairy, eggs, sugar, white flour, and any processed foods.

If you’re interested in eating a whole food plant-based diet, you can do a few things to ensure success. Start by gradually increasing the number of plants in your diet. If you’re used to mainly eating meat and processed foods, it can be hard to make the switch overnight. Begin by adding an extra serving of vegetables to your meals or swapping out meat for plant-based proteins like tofu or beans.

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Learn About Aloe Vera's Amazing Health Benefits and How to Use It

Learn About Aloe Vera's Amazing Health Benefits and How to Use It

What is Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera has been used for centuries for its healing properties. Aloe vera contains over 200 active components, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antagonistic polysaccharides. These properties make aloe vera an effective treatment for various conditions, including cancer, burns, and wounds. Aloe vera is also known to boost the immune system, improve digestion, and reduce inflammation. In addition to its many health benefits, aloe vera is also incredibly easy to use. The gel can be applied directly to the skin or consumed in juice form.

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Toxins in Our Cookware and How to Find the Best Alternative
Lifestyle Nancy Smith Lifestyle Nancy Smith

Toxins in Our Cookware and How to Find the Best Alternative

Cooking is not just about food. Your cookware matters more than you think.

You may not enjoy scrubbing your stainless steel pans after cooking, but non-stick technology may not be the best choice for your health. So what’s the best alternative? If you are looking for quality cookware that’s easy to use and clean and doesn’t harm your health, continue reading. I will go over the problems with various cookware options and offer you safe alternatives.

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Hidden Toxins in Your Water + Why You Need a Quality Water Filtration System
Nutrition, Lifestyle Nancy Smith Nutrition, Lifestyle Nancy Smith

Hidden Toxins in Your Water + Why You Need a Quality Water Filtration System

Did you know that there are hidden toxins in your tap water? Drinking plenty of water is vital for life. Yet, fluoride, aluminum, chlorine, arsenic, and other chemical residues in your city tap water can potentially harm your health and increase your risk of cancer. To remove these chemicals, improve your water quality, and protect your health, using a quality water filtration system is critical.

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Health Benefits of Sprouts and How to Grow Nutrient-Dense Microgreens
Nutrition, Health Guides Nancy Smith Nutrition, Health Guides Nancy Smith

Health Benefits of Sprouts and How to Grow Nutrient-Dense Microgreens

Sprouts are seeds that have germinated. They are the very young plant in the beginning stages of life. Sprouts are exceptionally healthy and just happen to be another superfood. They are a powerhouse of raw, green, fiber-filled nutrition. One of the things that sprouts contain is chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll helps plants to absorb energy from the sun in photosynthesis. The greener the plant, the more chlorophyll it has.

Chlorophyll helps build hemoglobin by promoting circulation. It can increases your red blood cells, and increases oxygen in your body. Chlorophyll also acts as a binder to heavy metals and aids in detoxification of the blood.

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8 Benefits of Rebounding and How to Take Charge of Your Health
Lifestyle Nancy Smith Lifestyle Nancy Smith

8 Benefits of Rebounding and How to Take Charge of Your Health

Rebounding is a type of aerobic workout that is performed on a rebounder or a mini-trampoline. A rebounder is small enough to use inside your house or apartment. College students can even try rebounding inside their dorm room. During a rebounding workout, you will be jumping on your mini-trampoline. These jumps can be fast or slow and are often mixed with aerobic stepping in place. Rebounding is a simple and quick workout that may increase your endurance, improve muscle strength of your legs, and offer many other benefits while being gentle on your joints.

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8 Steps to Transform Your Mouth with Daily Holistic Dental Care
Lifestyle, Health Guides Nancy Smith Lifestyle, Health Guides Nancy Smith

8 Steps to Transform Your Mouth with Daily Holistic Dental Care

Straight, white teeth can be beautiful. But your dental health is more than vanity. Your mouth is the doorway to your body. It is where digestion begins. It’s only logical that your oral health affects the rest of your body. In this article, I wanted to discuss the importance of oral health and offer some tips on how to take care of your teeth naturally.

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How to Improve Low Magnesium Levels and Finally Achieve Optimal Health

How to Improve Low Magnesium Levels and Finally Achieve Optimal Health

Magnesium supports muscle and nerve function. Research suggests that high magnesium levels may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. This means that we are not getting enough magnesium in our diet.

Low magnesium levels can increase blood pressure and the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, leg cramps, insomnia, osteoporosis, migraines, depression, and even cancer.

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