Supporting Your Cancer Journey on a Budget

As a cancer survivor, you know that taking steps to support your health is essential to maintaining your overall well-being. But if you’re living on a tight budget, it can be difficult to afford the necessary resources. This blog post will discuss practical tips for supporting your health without breaking the bank.

Rely on Free Resources

We live in an age of abundant resources, many of which are available online at no cost. Websites such as this one and Chris Beat Cancer, etc. offer helpful information about holistic treatments. Numerous apps can help you track your symptoms or even remotely connect with a healthcare professional. Exploring free resources can give you the necessary knowledge and support without paying out-of-pocket costs.

Take Advantage of Discounts

Many organizations offer discounted prices or free access to services for people with limited incomes or disabilities, including cancer survivors. Reach out to local healthcare providers in your community or check with nearby hospitals and clinics to see what discounts they may offer. You might also consider talking with social workers at cancer centers; they often have connections that could help you save money on treatments or medications. You can also find online coupons for almost everything!

If cost is still a concern, look into financial resources available through health insurance plans or government programs designed specifically for cancer survivors. Some nonprofit organizations and foundations offer grants and other assistance for those struggling with medical bills due to their diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, many hospitals offer free or discounted services such as yoga classes or acupuncture sessions specifically tailored towards those with serious illnesses like cancer; ask around at local healthcare centers to learn more about these opportunities near you.

Try Buy Nothing Groups

Several online groups give things away. You can check these groups if you need a rebounder, juicer, blender, or other expensive equipment for your cancer journey! You can often get like new items.

Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care is one of the best ways to maintain physical and mental health without spending a fortune. Simple things like exercising regularly, eating healthy foods, reducing stress levels, getting enough sleep each night, and taking time out for yourself can help keep your body functioning optimally—and best of all, most don’t require any money! Focus on incorporating these activities into your daily life to nourish your mind and body while staying within budget.

Find Peace

A Pathway to Inner Peace

Cancer is a difficult battle to fight. It can be draining, both physically and emotionally. Some days it may feel impossible to find even an ounce of peace in the midst of it all. But a type of peace comes from God - a peace that passes all understanding. It can be found in the midst of any storm.

What Does Peace That Passes All Understanding Mean?

First, let's start by looking at the phrase: "peace that passes all understanding." This phrase originates from Philippians 4:7 (ESV), which reads, "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." This Scripture passage speaks about an inner calmness or strength that comes from God, regardless of our circumstances or understandings of a particular subject matter. In other words, this is not the typical kind of peace that we might experience when things are going our way or when life is going well; instead, this is a special kind of divine peace that fills us with joy and contentment even in times of trouble and trial.

Discovering Your Inner Strength Through Prayer

The most effective way to access this inner strength is through prayer. When you spend time talking with God daily, you will develop a deep trust in Him and His plans for your life – even if they don't look like what you originally planned! Praying aligns us with God's will for our lives and helps us find acceptance and purpose despite our present circumstances. As we pray more often, we become more deeply rooted in faith and draw closer to God each day – allowing us to receive His supernatural peace that passes all understanding into our lives.

Wait on the Lord With Patience & Trust

Waiting on the Lord can be difficult, but it also brings great rewards! As we wait patiently for His timing to unfold, we learn to trust Him more deeply. We also learn valuable lessons about patience as we grow closer to Him during these times – helping us cultivate an attitude of faith rather than fear-based living. As we wait on the Lord with patience and trust, He will answer our prayers according to His perfect plan for our lives – aligning us with His will so that we may receive true inner peace!

Although cancer can be tough on those diagnosed or with loved ones undergoing treatment, there is hope in finding true inner strength through a prayerful connection with God each day. Turning towards Him daily and trusting in His perfect plan for your life, no matter how hard things get, you can access a special kind of divine peace that passes all human understanding! I hope you will be encouraged today as you seek true inner strength through prayerful connection with our Lord!

Breathe Well

How Breathing Techniques Can Help Manage Stress

Cancer survivors often have to deal with stress and various other emotions. One of the most effective strategies for managing these feelings is practicing breathing techniques. Deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress and increase relaxation, allowing you to manage your emotions better and lead a healthier life.

When you feel stressed or anxious, your heart rate increases, your blood pressure rises, and your breath becomes shallow. Counteracting this effect by deep breathing helps lower your heart rate and relaxes the body. Many different types of breathing techniques can be used for stress relief; here are some of the most popular ones:

Belly Breathing

This type of breathing focuses on the diaphragm (the muscle at the base of your lungs). When you inhale, focus on pushing out your stomach rather than raising your shoulders, this will ensure that you take in deeper breaths. When exhaling, try to contract your abdomen as much as possible gently. This technique is especially effective at reducing anxiety levels in cancer survivors.

Alternate Nostril Breathing

This type of breathing exercise involves alternating between each nostril when inhaling and exhaling. As you inhale through one nostril, close off the other with a finger or thumb, then switch sides when exhaling. Alternate nostril breathing is great for calming an overactive mind because it forces you to focus on the present moment instead of worrying about past or future events.

Box Breathing

Box breathing is also known as “square” or “four-square” breathing because it involves counting up to four while inhaling and exhaling slowly through both nostrils simultaneously. During each count, focus on filling up your lungs and emptying them until all four counts are complete. Box breathing helps regulate emotions by forcing you to stay in the present moment while focusing on slow, controlled breaths.

Many different types of breathing techniques can be used for stress relief; however, these three are some of the most popular among cancer survivors looking for ways to cope better with their emotions. All three breathing techniques can help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation.

Get Outside

The Benefits of Getting Outside

Going outside has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression and lower stress levels overall. Breathing in fresh air and sunlight gives us a sense of calmness, reducing anxiety and depression. Plus, there are so many things to do outside, such as walking, riding bikes, planting a garden, playing tennis, going on picnics, visiting neighbors, or even just sitting out on the lawn.

Getting outside helps boost immunity by increasing oxygen intake and exposure to natural elements like sunlight and plants. Sunlight increases Vitamin D levels which helps support immune function, while exposure to nature encourages healthy gut bacteria growth, which plays a vital role in overall health. Taking walks or hikes also gets your blood circulating which helps strengthen your immune system even more!

Getting enough sleep is essential for good physical and mental health. Going outside can help improve sleep quality because it allows our bodies to better regulate their circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle). Natural light helps set our internal clock so that our bodies know when it’s time to wake up and go to bed regularly. Exposure to natural elements like trees, grasses, flowers, etc., releases endorphins that have been linked with improved sleep quality and moods overall!

Plant an Organic Garden

Exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Traditional exercise regimens can be intimidating and overwhelming. But there is an alternative that can be just as beneficial: gardening. Gardening offers many of the same physical benefits of exercise while being less demanding, more enjoyable, and ultimately more rewarding.

Gardening has been linked to numerous health benefits, such as increased muscle strength, improved flexibility and balance, and better cardiovascular health. It also promotes mental well-being by reducing stress levels, improving moods, and allowing relaxation in nature. And the best part is that you get the benefits of eating the organic fruits/vegetables of your labor!

Gardening can be tailored to any fitness level—you don't have to be a bodybuilder or an athlete to reap its rewards. You can start with something simple like planting flowers or vegetables in pots before gradually increasing your activities. The key is to find something that works for you and makes you feel good about yourself without going overboard and exhausting yourself.

The great thing about gardening is that it doesn't have to be all work and no play. You can get creative with your garden by adding decorative elements such as birdhouses, sculptures, wind chimes, or anything else that brings you joy. And it's not just visual elements; gardening also allows you to enjoy nature by inviting birds into your garden or having a meal outdoors in your private oasis.

Healthy Movement

Research has shown that light exercise can positively impact cancer survivors. It can help reduce fatigue by increasing energy levels, boosting mood by releasing endorphins, decreasing stress levels, and building strength and endurance. Exercise can also help build muscle mass.

Getting Started With Light and Low-Impact Exercise

Start slowly—just 10 minutes daily is enough to see benefits. As you become more comfortable with the activity level right for you, gradually increase the length and intensity of your workouts over time until you reach an amount that works best for you.

When it comes to light exercise for cancer survivors, plenty of options are available. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Walking or jogging outdoors or on a treadmill

  • Swimming or water aerobics

  • Yoga or pilates

  • Cycling (either stationary or outdoor)

  • Tai chi

  • Dancing

  • Strength training using light weights or resistance bands

  • Stretching exercises

  • Rebounding

  • Lymphatic Drainage Exercises

These activities are considered low-impact and easy on the joints while still providing great aerobic benefits. They're also easily adapted if specific movements cause pain or discomfort.

Red Rebound Air with Stabilizing Bar

What Is Rebounding?

Rebounding is a type of low-impact aerobic exercise done on something called a mini trampoline or rebounder. This equipment consists of a round mat attached to a steel frame with bungee cords, making it easy to jump up and down without worrying about jarring the joints or spine. Despite being low impact, rebounding is an incredibly effective way to build strength, improve circulation, and reduce stress levels.

Rebounding helps rebuild muscle tone and strength by providing resistance against gravity in all directions as you jump up and down on the rebounder; this prevents atrophy from setting in and also helps improve balance and coordination. Since there is no need for special clothing or equipment other than the rebounder, it’s easy to start rebounding immediately—no gym membership is required! On top of that, since rebounding is low impact yet still provides an intense workout, it minimizes the risk of injury while providing many of the same health benefits as more strenuous exercises like running or weightlifting. Regular sessions on the rebounder help improve immunity by increasing blood flow throughout the body; this helps fight off infection more effectively and allows toxins to be removed faster from cells.

Rebounding can be incredibly effective due to its combination of low-impact intensity and numerous health benefits. While some may find traditional exercises like running or weightlifting too strenuous or intimidating initially, rebounding can give a more manageable way back into physical activity that still delivers results quickly and safely.

One great way to use the rebounder if you can’t jump is just to sit on it and do a light bounce. It still gets your body moving and your lymph flowing.

Sleep Well

Creating a consistent bedtime routine is one of the best ways to ensure you can get quality sleep when you have cancer. The routine doesn't need to be complicated; try basic activities like reading or taking a shower before bed each night. Doing so will help signal your body that it's time for bed, helping you fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep throughout the night.

Your bedroom should be a place of relaxation and peacefulness where you can easily drift off into a restful slumber. That's why it's crucial to reduce stimulation before bed as much as possible. Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine in the hours leading up to bedtime can help improve your sleep quality by reducing overall stimulation and allowing your body to begin winding down for the night. Try limiting exposure to blue light from devices like phones and tablets before bed; this will make it easier for your brain to recognize that it's time for rest instead of activity.

Practice gentle stretching or yoga right before bed; doing so can help relax sore muscles and increase circulation throughout your body, making it easier for you to fall asleep and stay asleep as long as possible.


Holistic treatment is tailored to the individual and considers physical, mental, and emotional needs. Some categories may include foods, supplements, stress reduction techniques, home therapies, and outside therapies. If the only thing you can afford is food right now, believe me, I get that!! The awesome news is that there are several things you can do to support your health with nutrition.

Understanding your individual needs is the best way to begin budgeting for holistic cancer treatment. Research the associated costs. Take time to explore different options; plenty of affordable alternatives are available. Some may fit into your existing routine or lifestyle more easily than others.

Create a Plan

Once you have identified the type of holistic treatment you want, create a plan for how you'll pay for it. Consider setting up automatic payments or making regular donations to help cover the costs over time. You may also find it helpful to set aside funds in an emergency fund specifically dedicated to your health and wellness — this way, if something unexpected comes up, you won't have to worry about how you'll pay for it.

Think about setting up a GoFundMe account!


Fasting not only saves you money but is so good for healing.

Achieving Apoptosis Through Water Fasting

Apoptosis is a natural process that helps the body eliminate unnecessary or dangerous cells. It’s crucial for cancer survivors, who need apoptosis to help eradicate cancerous cells from their bodies. One way that cancer survivors can trigger apoptosis is through water fasting. Water fasting is a powerful practice that has been used since ancient times and is still practiced by many today to promote physical and mental healing. Let’s take a closer look at how water fasting works and what it can do for those looking to achieve apoptosis.

Water fasting is when you abstain from all food and only drink water for a set period of time. During this time, your body enters into a “fasted state” where it begins to burn stored fat instead of glucose (from food) as its primary energy source. This process has numerous benefits, including improved digestion, weight loss, detoxification, and more. Water fasting can also trigger apoptosis—a natural process in which the body gets rid of damaged or unnecessary cells.

When you fast for an extended period, your body responds by increasing the production of autophagy proteins—proteins responsible for breaking down old or defective cells to make room for new ones. This increase in autophagy proteins leads to an increase in apoptosis—the process by which your body gets rid of dangerous or unneeded cells. For cancer survivors, this means that water fasting can help trigger programmed cell death to kill off any remaining cancerous cells in their bodies.

In addition to triggering apoptosis, there are many other benefits associated with water fasting—including improved digestion, weight loss, increased energy levels, improved moods and mental clarity, better sleep quality, and increased focus/concentration. Water fasting requires no special equipment or supplements (just plain water); it’s easy to incorporate into your daily routine without sacrificing too much time or money.

Meal Planning

What health-promoting foods do you like? Think of the foods that will support your cancer journey and write them down. Choose your favorites and separate those out. We are aiming to stick to this way of life. We are not aiming for perfection. We don’t have to do everything on the list! Just do what you can. If you want to add new items as you can afford them, you can. But do not worry if you can’t do it all. I did this by choosing only to put that which would support a cancer-free life in my mouth. I did not choose to do everything, but I chose healthy eating/living! No junk food!

What foods can be juiced?

What foods do you like in juice? One of my favorite recipes is carrots, oranges, and pineapple. I also love this recipe that you can put in your juicer!


Serving: 2


1/2 small Fennel Bulb (about 1/2 cup)

4 Celery Sticks

1/2 cup Parsley

1/2 Granny Smith Apple

1/2 Lime or Lemon (remove skin)

1-inch piece of Ginger

Write out recipes for the week! This will help you stay organized and keep you on track! Let me live as a testimony to this!

You can join programs to get ugly fruit/veggies for CHEAP!! You can also ask your produce department if they are tossing anything. If you explain that you can sure use it on your cancer healing journey, they may just surprise you with produce!


Shop sales

Shop with coupons

Shop in bulk

Shop outer perimeters of the store

Prep Work

Prep all of your fruits and veggies on the same day. Preferably do this the day after you buy them, so you don’t over-tire yourself.

Prepared Meal Prepping

Storage and Labeling

Get some glass jars and some fun labels, and use them! I do this with salad dressings at the beginning of every week.

Letting Go and Letting God

Cancer can bring on a range of emotions, from fear to frustration. We may feel like we are carrying the burden of our diagnosis alone, but it is possible to put those burdens in the hands of the Lord. Putting our burdens on God is not a sign of weakness but rather a way to find strength and peace during cancer treatment.

What Does It Mean To Put Our Burdens On God?

Putting our burdens on God means relinquishing control over what we cannot control while trusting that He will fight our battles. When we feel overwhelmed with the weight of our diagnosis or lack confidence in ourselves and our abilities, it's important to remember that God will always be there for us. He will never waiver in His love for us and is always willing to take on whatever troubles come our way.

The Power Of Prayer

The power of prayer should not be underestimated. Praying for guidance and strength can give us hope and comfort as we go through cancer treatment. It can also provide clarity when faced with difficult decisions, such as pursuing a particular treatment or opting for something else. We can call upon God to help us make wise choices by praying for wisdom and discernment.

Releasing Control And Letting Go

It can be hard to let go when faced with a frightening diagnosis like cancer, but surrendering control is essential if we want to get through this difficult time. We need to trust that no matter what comes our way, God has already gone before us and will take care of us every step along the way. By acknowledging His presence in all things, we can find strength even in moments of weakness and uncertainty that come with cancer treatments.


When life throws challenges, we must remember that we are not alone; God is always with us, ready to carry whatever burden we face. Putting your burdens on Him allows you to find peace amidst chaos and confidence amongst uncertainty - it takes courage to let go, but it's worth it when you do! No matter how dark things may seem, know that there is light at the end of the tunnel if you put your faith in Him.


Lung Cancer and the Benefits of Holistic Strategies


Sleep Apnea, Snoring and the Vagus Nerve Connection