Empowering Healing: Integrating Holistic Therapies for Kidney Cancer

External and Internal Views of a Human Kidney

The Miraculous Functions of the Kidneys

Our kidneys play a vital role in the process of filtration, which is how they remove waste from our blood. Each kidney contains around one million filtering units known as nephrons, which selectively filter out certain molecules and ions from the bloodstream. This means that our kidneys can separate useful substances—such as glucose, amino acids, and vitamins—from harmful substances like urea, creatinine, and drugs. These toxic substances are then expelled from the body in urine.

Regulating Blood Pressure

Another important job done by the kidneys is regulating blood pressure. The smooth muscles surrounding arteries respond to a hormone called renin, produced by special cells in both kidneys to help maintain normal blood pressure levels. If blood pressure falls too low, these cells will release more renin into the bloodstream; conversely, when it rises too high, these cells produce less renin to reduce it back down again.

Maintaining Fluid Balance

The kidneys also help maintain fluid balance in the body by controlling how much water gets retained inside it. Too much water in our bodies can lead to various health problems, such as heart failure or kidney failure; on the other hand, insufficient water can cause dehydration or malnutrition. To prevent this from happening, our kidneys monitor how much water we drink and how much is lost through urination and sweat so that everything stays balanced.

Kidney cancer disease medical concept as malignant cells in a human body attacking the urinary system and renal carcinoma anatomy as a symbol for tumor growth treatment and risk with 3D illustration elements.

What is Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the kidneys. It can affect people of any age, but it is most common in people over 50. While kidney cancer can be serious and even fatal if left untreated, it is treatable, and many people live for years after their diagnosis.

Types of Kidney Cancer

The two main types of kidney cancer are renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). RCC is the most common type and accounts for 85% of all kidney cancers. In RCC, malignant cells form in the lining of the tubules—tiny tubes inside the kidneys that help filter blood—and can spread to other organs, such as the lungs or liver. TCC is less common but more aggressive than RCC. In TCC, malignant cells form in the renal pelvis—the area where urine collects before being excreted from the body through the ureters.

Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer often does not cause symptoms until it has advanced. The most common symptom is blood in your urine (hematuria). Other symptoms may include pain in your side or lower back, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss without trying, swelling in your legs or ankles, fever that comes and goes, and anemia. It's important to note that other conditions can also cause these symptoms, so if you experience them, you should see your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

Holistic Herbs and Spices

A Holistic Approach to Treating Kidney Cancer

While traditional treatments for kidney cancer involve surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, there are also holistic approaches to treating this disease. In this blog post, we will explore alternative therapies available to those who want to take a more gentle approach to treating kidney cancer.


One area where patients with kidney cancer can make an immediate impact is nutrition and diet. Eating a healthy, balanced diet filled with fresh fruits and vegetables will provide essential vitamins and minerals that can help support your body's natural healing processes. Additionally, foods high in antioxidants may help slow the growth of tumors. Avoiding processed foods as much as possible is recommended for optimal health when fighting cancer.

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Juicing to Support Kidney Cancer

Juicing is the process of extracting juice from fruits and vegetables. This juice contains concentrated nutrients that are beneficial for overall health. When it comes to kidney cancer specifically, several types of juice may help promote recovery.

Benefits of Juicing for Kidney Cancer

There are a variety of different fruits and vegetables that can provide nutrients that support the body in recovering from kidney cancer. For example, celery contains luteolin, an antioxidant compound that inhibits tumor growth and reduces cancer-related inflammation. Carrots contain beta-carotene, which helps to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals (unstable molecules linked to cell damage). Dark leafy greens such as spinach and kale are also high in antioxidants and other phytonutrients that can help reduce inflammation associated with cancer. Many juices contain healthy fats like avocado or nuts, which can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body. Some juices contain probiotics that improve immune system function.

Flushing the kidneys with Juicing

Juicing helps to flush out toxins in your body by providing high concentrations of vitamins and minerals that can support proper kidney filtration functions. Since most fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, they can help reduce kidney inflammation.

What Kind Of Juice Should I Make?

The best juice for flushing your kidneys should be made up mostly of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, such as carrots, spinach, kale, apples, cranberries, lemons, limes, oranges, celery, and cucumbers. You can also add herbs like parsley or cilantro and ginger to boost flavor and nutrition. Avoid adding processed sugars or artificial sweeteners to your juice, as these can harm kidney health.

How Often Should I Juice?

You should drink freshly prepared juice two or three times per day to get the full effects on kidney health. I recommend drinking 64 oz a day. That would be 2 of these.

Juicing is a great way to flush toxins from your body while giving yourself a boost of vitamins and minerals that can help support optimal kidney function. By incorporating antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables into your daily routine, you’ll reap the many benefits this natural remedy offers—especially if you’re recovering from cancer.

Here is some more reading on getting the most nutrients from your juicing.


Exercise has been proven beneficial for people dealing with all types of diseases, including cancer. Regular exercise helps keep your body strong and can improve your overall well-being. It also helps reduce stress levels, which can positively affect your physical and mental health. Exercise doesn't have to consist of going to the gym or running marathons; even simple activities such as rebounding, walking, or swimming are great ways to stay active while fighting kidney cancer.

How Does Lymph Exercise Help with Kidney Cancer?

Lymph exercise helps move the toxins out of your body, reduces swelling associated with lymphedema, and improves overall circulation throughout the body. It can also help reduce fatigue and pain associated with kidney cancer. Research suggests that regular physical activity can also help improve mental health, often impacted by a cancer diagnosis or long-term treatment plans.

Types of Lymph Exercise for Kidney Cancer Patients

Activities like walking, swimming, yoga, cycling, and strength training are beneficial for improving circulation throughout the body and reducing symptoms related to lymphedema. One of my favorite ways to get the lymph flowing is through The Melt Method, but there are many other ways to get your lymph flowing. Another of my favorite is dancing. Put on some good music and just start moving!

What is the Melt Method and How Can it Improve Your Lymphatic System Health?

The Melt Method, developed by a physical therapist, is a gentle form of self-care that helps to reduce pain and tension in the body. This practice entails using special foam rollers and soft balls to knead sore muscles and help improve circulation in lymphatic areas. It's an ideal exercise for cancer survivors struggling with lymphoma or lymphedema, as it helps promote better lymphatic system health. Let's take a closer look at how this method works.

How the Melt Method Works

The Melt Method consists of more than just foam rolling; it also includes techniques like rehydrating connective tissue, lengthening muscles, decompressing joints, and neuromuscular education. The main focus is restoring balance to your connective tissue—known as fascia—which surrounds every muscle in your body. Fascia is vital in regulating movement and flexibility but can become dehydrated due to stress or trauma. The purpose of this technique is to restore hydration and elasticity to the fascia, which can help reduce pain while improving the range of motion and stability.

The first step of the Melt Method involves using special foam rollers or soft balls to "melt" away tension in various areas of your body, such as your neck, shoulders, back, hips, legs, arms, hands, feet, etc. You place the foam roller or soft ball on the area you want to work on and then apply pressure with your body weight until you feel relief from any tightness or discomfort. You're aiming for several minutes per area before you move to another spot.

The second step involves active stretching and strengthening exercises designed to further improve the range of motion within each joint. Examples include shoulder circles for mobility or hip hikes for better hip flexibility. These exercises are meant to be done slowly to achieve maximum benefits from each movement without causing further injury or strain on your body. These stretches can benefit people suffering from chronic pain because they help redistribute weight away from problem areas while increasing overall strength throughout your entire body.

Rebounding for Kidney Cancer

This is also one of my favorite ways to get the lymph moving. Rebounding (also known as trampoline exercise) involves a trampoline with a mesh bed that provides cushioning for maximum comfort and safety. The mesh bed also helps reduce stress on the joints, making it ideal for people with joint pain or mobility issues. Rebounding exercises involve jumping up and down in various patterns on the trampoline to get your heart rate up without putting too much strain on the body. Getting some physical activity into your routine without running or lifting weights can be really fun.

Benefits of Rebounder for Kidney Cancer

Rebounding can be especially beneficial for kidney cancer patients who need to stay active but don't have the energy or capacity to do heavier exercise like running or weight lifting. Because rebounding is low impact, it puts less stress on your body while providing cardiovascular benefits like increased blood flow and improved circulation. Rebounding can help improve balance and coordination while strengthening the core and lower body muscles - all essential factors when recovering from kidney cancer treatments!

How To Start Doing Rebounder Exercises

If you're interested in rebounder exercises, there are several ways to get started! You're all set if you have access to a trampoline at home. Make sure that it has a secure frame with no loose parts so that everything stays safe during your workout. You could also look into local gyms or fitness centers that offer classes dedicated explicitly to rebounder exercises. Plenty of online tutorials are available where you can learn the basics of rebounding before jumping right into an intense routine!

You can get the rebounder with the stabilizing bar here.

Complementary Therapies

Many different complementary therapies can be used in conjunction with traditional treatments for kidney cancer, such as acupuncture, massage therapy (another wonderful method to get your lymph flowing), yoga, meditation, guided imagery, etc. These therapies work by helping you relax while focusing on self-care so that you can better cope with the physical effects of treatment and the emotional stressors related to being diagnosed with kidney cancer.

Supplements and Other Therapies

There are many different ways to add to your cancer therapies, I have blogs on different things you can do. If you only took 2 supplements, I highly recommend starting with magnesium and vitamin D. Those 2 supplements work well in conjunction with each other and provide a great starting point for your optimal health and healing.

The next recommendation is the Kidney Tea that I have in my store. It is phenomenal for your kidneys!!


There are many holistic therapies that are inclusive of all cancers. They are designed to complement traditional cancer treatments or use on their own, focusing on the patient’s overall well-being, not just combating the disease itself. Techniques such as acupuncture, yoga, meditation, and massage therapy aim to reduce stress and improve the quality of life for individuals undergoing cancer treatment. Other approaches, like dietary changes, the use of herbal supplements, and practices like Tai Chi and Qigong, seek to bolster the body's natural defenses and promote physical and emotional health. Each of these therapies offers a unique benefit, ranging from pain management to enhancing mental resilience, providing a comprehensive support system alongside, and making you feel better.

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are based on personal experiences, opinions, and my own research. Information on this website is for educational purposes and is not meant to diagnose, replace, treat, or cure any medical or mental health condition. Please see your doctor with any health-related questions. Statements on this website have not been approved or evaluated by the FDA. While looking through this site, please use your best judgment in conjunction with your Naturopath or other health care provider.


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